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Week 3 Discussion (Other Teams)


Hall of Famer
Colts have found a capable backup QB in Brissett. Colts are up 21-7, meaning when the Bengals lose to the Pack that both the Browns and Bengals will still be winless going into their game next week.


Hall of Famer
Come on Texans! Come on Bears! Let a lot of wonky plays be the norm today!

It may be only a 3-0 lead but even the Jets are winning today. Come January, we will look back at week 3 and go this is the week that threw everything off that we thought we knew about the NFL.


Hall of Famer
I don't know what's worse, that player slowing down before he gets to the end zone or the fact the refs refuse to give the Bears a safety.
I think it's worse that he slowed down. This wouldn't even be an issue if he had just ran into the damn end zone in the first place.


ok coulda been betta coulda been worse the goal is even steven next wk!


Bucs losing to vikings 21-3, a 3rd string QB shredding them, injuries or no thats pathetic.


Practice Squad
What a day ~ the Jets, Colts, Bears, and Saints are leading. Some exciting second halfs on tap.