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The Lamar, The Defence and a case of the Dropsies


Hall of Famer
I think we gambled and lost with Marlo, he had one week of training under his belt, same with Ronnie. Those guys will get better I am sure and hopefully the drops were just a one off. We just need to be such pussies when anything goes wrong
Everytime the ball is thrown deep on marlon i automatically think the wr is gonna catch the ball.


Pro Bowler
What really worries me more than anything is our health. O-line is concerning at times and other times we look great.


Our running game is really Lamar with spurts of whoever’s dead corpse we throw back there

And pass rush. Huge concerns due to health still
We looked better with backups last week. I don't think the Browns are bad, but that could be why we looked good, idk. It was a coherent performance. This week was utterly INcoherent. I really am stupefied by how terrible the supposed better players were yesterday. It's impossible to watch when they are so off; they look lost. Maybe it is health, but if it is, then let them rest and leave the 2nd and 3rd stringers in. Lamar is the next injury if he keeps getting pinned in the pocket for sacks.


Ravens Ring of Honor
We looked better with backups last week. I don't think the Browns are bad, but that could be why we looked good, idk. It was a coherent performance. This week was utterly INcoherent. I really am stupefied by how terrible the supposed better players were yesterday. It's impossible to watch when they are so off; they look lost. Maybe it is health, but if it is, then let them rest and leave the 2nd and 3rd stringers in. Lamar is the next injury if he keeps getting pinned in the pocket for sacks.
at this point Im not sure Lamar getting injured would be a bad thing. The loss wasn't his fault, but he has not been very clutch as of late.


Ravens Ring of Honor
Definitely his weakness, he never looks for the ball. That said, he looked like he was running in mud chasing Pickens. turrible
Not his fault, first game back from foot surgery, he isnt gonna be extremely fast.


Ravens Ring of Honor
What? So because he hasn't been clutch you prefer Huntley?
I mean... I have always been quite a pessimist about Lamar, and I don't love Huntley, to admit. I don't want to Lamar to get hurt, I don't want any player to get hurt, but I think we should see what Huntley can do. Really I did like some of the stuff he showed last year


Ravens Ring of Honor
We looked better with backups last week. I don't think the Browns are bad, but that could be why we looked good, idk. It was a coherent performance. This week was utterly INcoherent. I really am stupefied by how terrible the supposed better players were yesterday. It's impossible to watch when they are so off; they look lost. Maybe it is health, but if it is, then let them rest and leave the 2nd and 3rd stringers in. Lamar is the next injury if he keeps getting pinned in the pocket for sacks.

Given how the game was going, I wasn't going to be surprised if he started doing the super man thing he does and try to do it all himself.

What a let down those guys were. Now we have to hear it from other fan bases/sports radio/and even some "fans" about his performance.


Pro Bowler
The decision to go at the end of the half was a miscommunication that was basically on Linderbaum. He shouldn't have snapped it. He thought he got PIT to cross into the neutral zone so he snapped it trying to get the penalty. They didn't.

The "fine" thing is interesting. I struggle with this with our fanbase. Coaching accountability is "fire them". That's what holding coaches accountable is. What is player accountability? Like what do you do to Bateman? Make him run a million laps? Fine him? Pull him from the game and put him in the "dog house"? Same with Linderbaum.

These guys are just making mistakes. There's nothing else to call it. Like I'm never going to blame coaching for dropped passes because a) it clearly hasn't been a recurring thing and b) these guys have only caught, what, 10,000 balls in their lifetime? They're pro receivers. It's like reading and writing simple words. Catching the football is just like the bare minimum of their job.

I kind of shrug off the loss mostly because we're not losing due to lack of talent. I think we clearly have a better team than every single team we've played this year. The mistakes we make are correctable. Lack of talent isn't. If we correct them, we'll improve. If we don't, we won't.
I don't disagree with you, but how to you correct the mistakes with players if you don't fine when they are persistent? I'm at a loss for how to hold them accountable too. A pat on the back and "go gettum next time, pal; play like a Raven," isn't working. These are mental errors in VOLUME that you just don't see on other teams. Sure teams lose, but the way we lose seems unique to us. A single stall on OFF or a missed opportunity throws the whole thing into disarray. It's shocking that it happens to the frequency that it does and predictable because of it... we ALL knew what the outcome was going to be, a mishandled, opportunities lost, loss.

This was worse than the Colts loss. Not because it was the Steelers, but because they just looked lost. Maybe the whole organization needs a whole cumbayah moment with carnival activities and dunking booths to build team trust and camaraderie. ;) Bullshit! They need to earn their pay. They're an embarrassment right now.


Ravens Ring of Honor
I mean... I have always been quite a pessimist about Lamar, and I don't love Huntley, to admit. I don't want to Lamar to get hurt, I don't want any player to get hurt, but I think we should see what Huntley can do. Really I did like some of the stuff he showed last year

What stuff did he show you last year?
What? So because he hasn't been hurt you prefer Huntley?

We looked better with backups last week. I don't think the Browns are bad, but that could be why we looked good, idk. It was a coherent performance. This week was utterly INcoherent. I really am stupefied by how terrible the supposed better players were yesterday. It's impossible to watch when they are so off; they look lost. Maybe it is health, but if it is, then let them rest and leave the 2nd and 3rd stringers in. Lamar is the next injury if he keeps getting pinned in the pocket for sacks.
Think about it the 2nd and 3rd stringers although have less talent they have been practicing and are in game shape. These starters haven't hit the field even for practice in a while, so they look slow and out of game shape. It's going to take a few games for them to look good again (we hope). That's why I think it was a mistake leaving Marlo one on one with Pickens with no help over top.


Ravens Ring of Honor
Think about it the 2nd and 3rd stringers although have less talent they have been practicing and are in game shape. These starters haven't hit the field even for practice in a while, so they look slow and out of game shape. It's going to take a few games for them to look good again (we hope). That's why I think it was a mistake leaving Marlo one on one with Pickens with no help over top.

I'm not mad at the call honestly. I agree, it was gutsy considering it was his first game back


Staff Member
I mean... I have always been quite a pessimist about Lamar, and I don't love Huntley, to admit. I don't want to Lamar to get hurt, I don't want any player to get hurt, but I think we should see what Huntley can do. Really I did like some of the stuff he showed last year
I have read some dumb stuff after a loss, but this is next level.
I mean... I have always been quite a pessimist about Lamar, and I don't love Huntley, to admit. I don't want to Lamar to get hurt, I don't want any player to get hurt, but I think we should see what Huntley can do. Really I did like some of the stuff he showed last year
You're crazy. Lamar gives this team the best chance to win. He's been making boneheaded plays but it's because he's trying to do too much. If the wrs caught the freaking ball yesterday we would be saying what a great game he had again. Easily two touch down passes were dropped. The interception at the end zone was a horrible throw to the inside but other than that there is no way we can blame him.