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Signings, Cuts, Trades


Staff Member
That's exactly what I meant when I said he didn't want to be here. He said very early on he wanted to join either of the LA teams. The Rams were interested the whole time. There was never a chance for us
But if the money was here and not there, he'd be here I'd bet. So while we all pretty much knew he wanted to be in LA, it was about them ponying up the money to do so.


Ravens Ring of Honor
Damn man this is sad. Malik Harrison - > Wagner is not a small change. People keep saying ILB is a devalued position in the NFL. Maybe, but that's literally never been the case for the Ravens.

Big loss today.
Seems like its been that case for the Ravens recently. When was the last big investment we made at that position? We drafted Mosley and Queen, and let the former walk in FA.


Hall of Famer
But if the money was here and not there, he'd be here I'd bet. So while we all pretty much knew he wanted to be in LA, it was about them ponying up the money to do so.
Absolutely agree. But for every Raven rumor of continued interest, there was one from LA. That's how we knew we had no chance. Im not saying he disliked it here or anything.


Staff Member
On the plus side, I'd expect some movement in that mid-tier market now... Calais, Houston/Green, Bynes, maybe a CB.


I'm starting to think these FA don't want to play for harbs. They love and respect the organization and players tho.


Hall of Famer
Seems like its been that case for the Ravens recently. When was the last big investment we made at that position? We drafted Mosley and Queen, and let the former walk in FA.
Very confused by this. Ray Lewis and Jameel McClain. CJ Mosley and Daryl Smith. And most recently 2 high picks in PQ and Harrison. It's just that one hasn't panned out. Also the competitive offer to Wagner...


Ravens Ring of Honor
Booby Wagner is a declining player. Thank God he chose that hell of a city over us. We don't need his kind around here.


Ravens Ring of Honor
Very confused by this. Ray Lewis and Jameel McClain. CJ Mosley and Daryl Smith. And most recently 2 high picks in PQ and Harrison. It's just that one hasn't panned out. Also the competitive offer to Wagner...
So... 7-8+ years ago?
Harrison was a 3rd round pick. That's a high pick for a ILB? I don't know that you could call a 3rd round pick a high pick for any position. Maybe FB, Punter, or Kicker.

Daryl Smith signed in 2014. That's 8 years ago, and that wasn't even a big financial investment. We waited well into FA for that one and got him at a bargain.
We draft linebackers. We don't necessarily pay them, and as far as I can tell, we never go hunting in the top tier FA market for one.

Competitive offer to Wagner makes some sense, but that's literally the first time I've seen this team take an active and significant financial interest in an ILB in many, many years. Your examples are pretty good proof of that.


Staff Member
Man at some point you gotta up the offers to these impactful players. Two swings and two misses with guys that could’ve made our defense much better

I mean we upped the offer for Z - they literally gave us a counter-offer that we agreed to and then still walked away

Bobby clearly wanted to go to the rams and it didn’t matter what we offered if the rams were close


Hall of Famer
So... 7-8+ years ago?
Harrison was a 3rd round pick. That's a high pick for a ILB? I don't know that you could call a 3rd round pick a high pick for any position. Maybe FB, Punter, or Kicker.

Daryl Smith signed in 2014. That's 8 years ago, and that wasn't even a big financial investment. We waited well into FA for that one and got him at a bargain.
We draft linebackers. We don't necessarily pay them, and as far as I can tell, we never go hunting in the top tier FA market for one.

Competitive offer to Wagner makes some sense, but that's literally the first time I've seen this team take an active and significant financial interest in an ILB in many, many years. Your examples are pretty good proof of that.
You're confusing what I said. Maybe I wasn't clear enough. I wasn't saying that the Ravens go get big name ILB in FA. I said it's a very valued position in the defense. For the entirety of the franchises existence, it has had excellent ILB play. You're totally right that most often the Ravens have drafted to get this excellence. Queen and Harrison were the attempt to replace the Mosley and Smith tandem. Queen has been good enough and Harrison has been bad. The Ravens value the position and that's why given Harrison's play, a serious offer was sent out to Bobby.

My only point is teams have weakness at spots every year. It's just not very typical to see the Ravens have one of those weak spots be at ILB over the course of their entire history.


Ravens Ring of Honor
So, you'd have paid CJ $100mil to keep him in Baltimore?
Yeah, didn't think so.

We drafted PQ next. How many 1st round picks you want spent on middle linebacker?
Well I mean we spent basically the same on ET that the Jets spent on Mosley, so you tell me which one would have been a better investment?

I'd like to see us use about one first round pick every 7-8 years on an ILB. I'd like to see us use mid round picks and spent average money in FA on one.

Let me phrase it a different way... compare the Safety position on this team vs the ILB on this team, and see if you can identify the gigantic, gigantic, gigantic differences in approaches to how we value those positions.


Hall of Famer
I'm starting to think these FA don't want to play for harbs. They love and respect the organization and players tho.
You’re probably the only person that thinks this, Bernard


Staff Member
What the fuck do we do now? That’s two players who have straight up dragged us this FA period and we still have gaping holes in multiple spots and there is no way of addressing it all in the draft and now we can’t address them through FA either.

They don’t even give a fuck about their team in LA, not a single rams fan said a word about wanting Wagner while our whole fanbase probably fucked up twitters servers with the flood of posts begging Wagner to come here.

Fucking LA… I can’t stand rich and famous people.

That’s similar to the question I have - we always like to spend up to the cap as best we can but right now we’ve just got this space and we’re running out of guys to spend it on

Do we pivot to clowney? Ogunjobi? Does this let us give Calais a 1 yr deal? Gillmore?


Ravens Ring of Honor
You're confusing what I said. Maybe I wasn't clear enough. I wasn't saying that the Ravens go get big name ILB in FA. I said it's a very valued position in the defense. For the entirety of the franchises existence, it has had excellent ILB play. You're totally right that most often the Ravens have drafted to get this excellence. Queen and Harrison were the attempt to replace the Mosley and Smith tandem. Queen has been good enough and Harrison has been bad. The Ravens value the position and that's why given Harrison's play, a serious offer was sent out to Bobby.

My only point is teams have weakness at spots every year. It's just not very typical to see the Ravens have one of those weak spots be at ILB over the course of their entire history.
I'm not confused. I'm saying your historical view of how the franchise looks at ILBs ended several years ago.

What you are suggesting did not exist in the 2021 season for certain. What you are suggesting did not exist in the 2020 season either. The last significant FA signing at the position was Daryl Smith, circa 2014.

I'm actually quite surprised some of you actually still think its a thing. Like are you next going to tell me we value Dline play also?

Corners, Safeties, Pass Rushers. It's really the only thing this defense has been prioritizing for several years now.

Sure, we made a run at Wagner. A lot of teams did. He's a special, generational linebacker. I'd be disappointed if we didn't. There's also been a lot of really good linebackers in FA the last several years, and we've never been in on many of them. There's a reason for that, and having a first rounder who's not making much isn't a very good reason to not be in on them, especially when you're a base 3-4 team that can play two ILBs a lot. Except, like most teams, we're really not, because almost every base defense in the league at this point has 5 or even 6 DBs in it.

Saying Malik Harrison is a significant investment at ILB is like saying Miles Boykin was a significant investment at WR. Literally the same thing...