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Fire Dean Pees Thread

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Theyd have held up a lot longer if they forced a 3 and out on the first drive instead on a 10min one. The announcers even said it was the longest drive by any team all year
How many 3 and outs did the offense put up? how long do you think a defense can hold up when the offense constantly gives the ball back to the best RB in the league?

Serrell Tuggs

Practice Squad
I know the offence is terrible and Flacco is done, but this week I don't feel like criticising the offence. Our receivers and O line were so overmatched that we never had a chance today.

It's Pees defence I hate today. We actually have talent on the defence - not as much as we thought in preseason - but not as little talent as it looks on gamesdays either. We have quality players at every level of the defence but it doesn't work as a unit.

I can't imagine any other co-ordinator in the league could make that collection of players look as ordinary as Pees does. I've always given him the benefit of the doubt when he was shielding the awful secondary but I can't find any reason to excuse him anymore. It's time for him to go.
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In terms of this defense, last year we were the #1 ranked defense(Even if we weren't we were definitely a top 5 unit) until we lost Jimmy Smith for the year. We add Tony Jefferson, Brandon Carr, and going draft heavy with Marlon Humphrey and Tyus Bowser and this defense looks considerably worse.
Man, hearing Suggs today really was sad. He was crushed.
Damn ... you know it. He just sounds defeated. I don't know how we can turn it around. Any words of hope he put out there were said in a hopeless tone. I just don't know how any magic will be found here and it sounds like he knows it.


Ravens Ring of Honor
I felt like Pees has already had multiple lifelines given too him, with all those DB injuries and lack of depth being the reason for 18 million 4th quarter collapses.

When we weren't ranked #1 last year it was baffling because watching the team they never dominated like a true #1 defense does to some teams that they face.

I'm willing to chalk that Bengals game up as anomaly, Browns game as just the Browns.

The last 5 games they've given up an average of 169 rushing yards per game.

Today's game wasn't a case of them being gassed the first half stats were: Vikings T.O.P. 16 mins, total yards about 135 vs Ravens T.O.P 14 mins, about 80 total yards.

Tim Williams should have been simplest of our picks to pop in there as a situational rusher and wreck havoc, he's missed the last two games but they didn't do anything with him anyone
Didn't realize it's been two games without a sack. Man why do our coordinators suck so bad. I definitely thought we would have a top D this year. In the off-season the FO pretty much guaranteed teams were not going to be able to run on us and we are worst then last year. How in the heck is this d underperforming so bad. 30th against the run. Probably worst after today.
Damn ... you know it. He just sounds defeated. I don't know how we can turn it around. Any words of hope he put out there were said in a hopeless tone. I just don't know how any magic will be found here and it sounds like he knows it.
Hearing him talk about the run defense, I think he's been stunned because when you allow runs like that, it means you were truly manhandled up front and he's really serious about stuff like that. He looks at himself as a leader of this defense and when it preforms like that you can tell that it truly hurts him.
The thing about Pees to me is this, if one guy goes down for your defense, you're supposed to do your best to scheme around that. If he goes down and your defense gets exposed like that, then to me it feels like you rely too much on your players and not on your scheme/game plan. I'm just astonished at how bad this run defense is, I've never seen this bad of a run defense, ever.

The great DC of the game will always find a way to work with what they have and figure things out. Put guys in a position to succeed and scheme around issues on the defense, I think Pees is a good coach, but I don't think he's great. He definitely might be a good DC elsewhere, but I don't think he's a true wizard of the defense in all honesty.


Hall of Famer
The thing about Pees to me is this, if one guy goes down for your defense, you're supposed to do your best to scheme around that. If he goes down and your defense gets exposed like that, then to me it feels like you rely too much on your players and not on your scheme/game plan. I'm just astonished at how bad this run defense is, I've never seen this bad of a run defense, ever.

The great DC of the game will always find a way to work with what they have and figure things out. Put guys in a position to succeed and scheme around issues on the defense, I think Pees is a good coach, but I don't think he's great. He definitely might be a good DC elsewhere, but I don't think he's a true wizard of the defense in all honesty.
I come across as a Pees defender because I think he gets too much flack. Reality is, he's alright. He ain't perfect. He has his moments of utter brilliance but occasionaly does something stupid. I don't think he's the main problem on defense, players aren't executing and it's not something that Pees is at fault for. Weddle and Jefferson are taking bad angles in the run game. Pees can't do anything about that. That's a big reason this unit has been struggling. The dude we paid a lot of money for this offseason to be a good run defender, which he was in Arizona btw, is sucking right now. So is Weddle. It's out of character for both.

If we fired him tomorrow though I'd understand why. But he'd likely get a job elsewhere at some point, mostly as a positional coach. I've never claimed him as a genius(some will try to say I have). But ultimately I do think we need an upgrade at some point. He's not as horrible as one particular poster suggests, but he's not the genius others claim he is.


Staff Member
It does come to a Point where the players have to take responsibility and man up. I agree with @Lost_In_Translation that Pees takes too much flack, but it may be time for some fresh ideas regardless. We have some talented players on defense. No reason we should be doing this bad in run defense. Yes, yards per Carry is just outside the top 10, but yards per game is one of the worst in the league. That’s not ravens football.


Hall of Famer
It does come to a Point where the players have to take responsibility and man up. I agree with @Lost_In_Translation that Pees takes too much flack, but it may be time for some fresh ideas regardless. We have some talented players on defense. No reason we should be doing this bad in run defense. Yes, yards per Carry is just outside the top 10, but yards per game is one of the worst in the league. That’s not ravens football.
I've been saying for years I wouldn't mind if Pees got fired and we had a change. It's why I want Teryl Austin. He could turn the defense around again. Hell, I'd take Chuck Pagano.
I come across as a Pees defender because I think he gets too much flack. Reality is, he's alright. He ain't perfect. He has his moments of utter brilliance but occasionaly does something stupid. I don't think he's the main problem on defense, players aren't executing and it's not something that Pees is at fault for. Weddle and Jefferson are taking bad angles in the run game. Pees can't do anything about that. That's a big reason this unit has been struggling. The dude we paid a lot of money for this offseason to be a good run defender, which he was in Arizona btw, is sucking right now. So is Weddle. It's out of character for both.

If we fired him tomorrow though I'd understand why. But he'd likely get a job elsewhere at some point, mostly as a positional coach. I've never claimed him as a genius(some will try to say I have). But ultimately I do think we need an upgrade at some point. He's not as horrible as one particular poster suggests, but he's not the genius others claim he is.
He definitely has his moments where he game-plans and calls a magnificent game, but I don't think he's a guru of the defense and I don't think you can put a lot on Pees for his lack of execution on the players part. Like I said, I will take the players word for it when they say he's a good coach but I'm looking at from this perspective, we added Jefferson and Carr, went for a defense heavy draft and yet this defense has gotten considerably worse then last year. Honestly, I felt like he did a really good job last year. I think he was able to mask some of the decencies we had last year.

Our #1 CB was Jimmy Smith who while he was great, wasn't truly 100%. After that we had Sherrece Wright(He was terrible), Webb as our FS, and Doom who was at 60%. I think he did a really good job but when Jimmy went down, we saw what happened to our defense and to me that's an issue that I have with the DC. I think he did a good job at his game-plans and schemes but when one guys like that goes down, it was a big part of our season ending the way it did.

I agree, Jefferson and Weddle have been massive disappointments and I do not know why, to me it looks like severe mis-communication and the fact that neither know what gaps to attack nor do they know how to take angles and tackle. They both look like rookies out there. You just can't blame Pees for that but I don't think he's a transcendent DC. I don't think he's going to produce a all-time great defense and I think it's time to end this chapter, it just seems like things are not working out for both sides and that's fine, you just need to move on and find someone who works.
It does come to a Point where the players have to take responsibility and man up. I agree with @Lost_In_Translation that Pees takes too much flack, but it may be time for some fresh ideas regardless. We have some talented players on defense. No reason we should be doing this bad in run defense. Yes, yards per Carry is just outside the top 10, but yards per game is one of the worst in the league. That’s not ravens football.
We have allowed 1,170 yards on the ground, that's the worst in the league and that to me stands out far more than YPC.


Ravens Ring of Honor
I come across as a Pees defender because I think he gets too much flack. Reality is, he's alright. He ain't perfect. He has his moments of utter brilliance but occasionaly does something stupid. I don't think he's the main problem on defense, players aren't executing and it's not something that Pees is at fault for. Weddle and Jefferson are taking bad angles in the run game. Pees can't do anything about that. That's a big reason this unit has been struggling. The dude we paid a lot of money for this offseason to be a good run defender, which he was in Arizona btw, is sucking right now. So is Weddle. It's out of character for both.

If we fired him tomorrow though I'd understand why. But he'd likely get a job elsewhere at some point, mostly as a positional coach. I've never claimed him as a genius(some will try to say I have). But ultimately I do think we need an upgrade at some point. He's not as horrible as one particular poster suggests, but he's not the genius others claim he is.

I disagree. If plavyers aren't executing I'm pointing my finger at the coaches and Pees is at the top of the chain. He puts them in position and if they keep taking bad angles why is this not corrected from practices and film watching. Hell bench em for a series to make a point. Thing is the runners shouldn't even be reaching the secondary. Why's the front 7 not clogging holes? Its partially scheme. Maybe not having proper personel on field. Dean Pees is the commander of this defense and damn right he should get a lot of the blame.

Now lets go get "Stone Cold" Teryl Austin. Give me a "Hell YeaH". **drinks beer**


I come across as a Pees defender because I think he gets too much flack. Reality is, he's alright. He ain't perfect. He has his moments of utter brilliance but occasionaly does something stupid. I don't think he's the main problem on defense, players aren't executing and it's not something that Pees is at fault for. Weddle and Jefferson are taking bad angles in the run game. Pees can't do anything about that. That's a big reason this unit has been struggling. The dude we paid a lot of money for this offseason to be a good run defender, which he was in Arizona btw, is sucking right now. So is Weddle. It's out of character for both.

If we fired him tomorrow though I'd understand why. But he'd likely get a job elsewhere at some point, mostly as a positional coach. I've never claimed him as a genius(some will try to say I have). But ultimately I do think we need an upgrade at some point. He's not as horrible as one particular poster suggests, but he's not the genius others claim he is.
He isn't good. Period. One need only watch the Vikes defense to know the difference between a defense with good players and a good DC and a team with good players and a below average DC.

One could make an argument we have more talent, position for position on defense but we look like we have scrubs. It is funny to me that what I've been claiming about Pees for years everyone is finally understanding. He was given the talent and he still manages to make them look like bums.


Pro Bowler
In terms of this defense, last year we were the #1 ranked defense(Even if we weren't we were definitely a top 5 unit) until we lost Jimmy Smith for the year. We add Tony Jefferson, Brandon Carr, and going draft heavy with Marlon Humphrey and Tyus Bowser and this defense looks considerably worse.
Yep I can't believe how bad the defense is underperforming. I expected the offense to be as bad as they are, but the defense was so hyped and already #1 through 12 weeks and they aren't even injured this year with so many additions.
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