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The Ugly, The Ugly and The Win I Guess???


Hall of Famer
Because you guys are freaking dumbasses who don’t understand the difference between professionals and drunk fans. And how famous people are supposed to hold themselves higher than regular joes
All you're doing is trying to shift accountability... and by shift, I mean you want none because of your own failures. You sound jealous.


Ravens Ring of Honor
This is what I've been wondering. He has no incentive to show for camp.

None. He played nice this last offseason. It didn’t get him nowhere.

Gotta play hardball now and cause a storm. Pressure the front office.


Ravens Ring of Honor
We had the guy with the record for most sacks in a season in college and he did nothing for us.
Agreed college production does not equate to pro ready. BUUUUUT one was drafted in the first round and one in the third. One played in the Big Ten and the other Conference USA. The expectations were very different


Ravens Ring of Honor


Ravens Ring of Honor
We’re tagging him and he’s not going til sign it until week 1. It’s gonna be a circus
Honestly don't care. I don't know why that would be a circus. Nobody really thinks he has the balls to sit out and not collect $45M+, and I don't think he'll be able to stomach the fines very long either.

If he wants to piss away the whole preseason, that's his choice. He'll just have to show up and play great with (hopefully) a new OC and some additional weapons, without spending any practice time with them.

Good luck to him with that.

Also, if he thinks he's going to get public support by holding out from getting paid $45M+, good luck to him with that one as well. Public is going to crucify him more than Roman for that. The argument of "he's underpaid" gets eviscerated the moment the tag is applied.

In my opinion, it's all moot, because I think Lamar wants the tag.


Ravens Ring of Honor
When we Gon start the “DeCosta ain’t that good at drafting” narrative? Cause it’s looking meh
I gotta take it slow , i just eased into the realization Harbs time has played it self out. So I’m fully onboard that movement


Ravens Ring of Honor
Honestly don't care. I don't know why that would be a circus. Nobody really thinks he has the balls to sit out and not collect $45M+, and I don't think he'll be able to stomach the fines very long either.

If he wants to piss away the whole preseason, that's his choice. He'll just have to show up and play great with (hopefully) a new OC and some additional weapons, without spending any practice time with them.

Good luck to him with that.

Also, if he thinks he's going to get public support by holding out from getting paid $45M+, good luck to him with that one as well. Public is going to crucify him more than Roman for that. The argument of "he's underpaid" gets eviscerated the moment the tag is applied.

In my opinion, it's all moot, because I think Lamar wants the tag.
I hope we can just get a deal done and sign some WRs and a new OC in the off season. Starting off on a scenario like the above will just be a lot of negativity right off the bat


Staff Member
He either hits the whole draft or misses the entire draft

whenever this comes up it's completely ignorant of a few things but

1) EDC's been running the draft for a lot longer than he's been GM
2) 2 of his drafts have been significantly impacted by covid
3) only 1 of his drafts since he became GM has hit the 3 year mark where you can normally judge a class (and admittedly that one was a complete dud)... the next one (2020) is in year 3 right now and looks fine - not special but certainly not awful - and the other 2 are in way too early to tell territory

i think there's more of a legitimate criticism that can be made about overall team-building and not using free agency well enough in the way that Ozzie was great at making sure we arent governed by need or leaving gaping holes open when we get to the draft whereas EDC has been having to plug leaks at multiple positions the last few years well into the season where holes were obvious - cant kill him for what he had to do at LB in 2021 because Queen was too green still, but can definitely question what he did at OT in 2021 and WR in 2022 (in both cases, notably traded away a high quality starter who didnt want to be here but then didnt adequately replace them - and i think the lesson he has to learn is that if we want to trade away guys like that we have to have better more concrete plans for replacing them)

EDC is clearly less risk-averse than Ozzie, and in consecutive years it's come back to bite him - i like him being aggressive, think there's some key lessons he can learn though from the last 2 years


Ravens Ring of Honor
Because you guys are freaking dumbasses who don’t understand the difference between professionals and drunk fans. And how famous people are supposed to hold themselves higher than regular joes

“Regular joes”

Bro if you want to heckle and not get talked back to just say that LMFAO

But as “soft” as you think the generation is you’d be the first one crying that a player told you to go Fuck yourself. They are regular people, stop the worship lmfao


Militant X 1

Ravens Ring of Honor
We’re tagging him and he’s not going til sign it until week 1. It’s gonna be a circus
He'll make $45 mil under the tag. Not a bad chunk of change and it keeps him in Baltimore.


Ravens Ring of Honor
whenever this comes up it's completely ignorant of a few things but

1) EDC's been running the draft for a lot longer than he's been GM
2) 2 of his drafts have been significantly impacted by covid
1. We’ll never know how true this is. Yea I think we all agree EDC has had a strong influence on decision making but I don’t think to the point we think. Ozzie was a prideful guy, he wasn’t given up those reins easily. I imagine the last Ozzie draft was when EDC took control.
2. This is a lame excuse. Every GM dealt with the same conditions when COVID showed up on scene. Why should EDC and the scouts get a pass?


Ravens Ring of Honor
“Regular joes”

Bro if you want to heckle and not get talked back to just say that LMFAO

But as “soft” as you think the generation is you’d be the first one crying that a player told you to go Fuck yourself. They are regular people, stop the worship lmfao


So it’s ok for someone who deems themselves professional to cuss someone out and use vulgarity on social media? Specifically when dealing with their jobs? For some of you I really wonder if you’ve ever had a true professional job/career or if y’all just sit on your asses all day


Ravens Ring of Honor
1. We’ll never know how true this is. Yea I think we all agree EDC has had a strong influence on decision making but I don’t think to the point we think. Ozzie was a prideful guy, he wasn’t given up those reins easily. I imagine the last Ozzie draft was when EDC took control.
2. This is a lame excuse. Every GM dealt with the same conditions when COVID showed up on scene. Why should EDC and the scouts get a pass?
I don't really care about the whole EDC/Ozzie thing, mostly because Ozzie had long stretches multiple times where he drafted like total shit. So if people want to judge EDC on like a 3 year sample of such, that's on them. I can find three year samples for Ozzie that are worse.