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The Well-Mannered Politics Thread

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Hall of Famer

reports of LAPD escalating at peaceful protests too

All I'm seeing now is that police are escalating situations and turning peaceful protests into chaos so they can say the protesters were "rioting" and going crazy. Saw that it happened in Seattle where a Officer pepper sprayed a LITTLE GIRL, and in Raleigh, NC peaceful protesters had tear gas used on them. To your video @allblackraven, it is serving and protecting nobody as the police are trying to make things worse knowing they won't be blamed for it and the protesters will. Disgusting, the system needs to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up.


Hall of Famer
Time to bring something positive to this thread. Police in New Jersey along with Police in Miami are standing along side the protesters, now every state's Police should be doing that.



Hall of Famer

He was given an order to step back and failed to comply. Failure to comply according to our use of force rules using pepper spray is justified. The young man was between several parked police cars and the rioters in NYC have already set many on fire, jumped all over their cars, smashed out windows with bricks, and vandalised them with spray paint. The city should have a right to protect their equipment. You may disagree with this but if that order to move the crowd back came from a commander, the officer was going to obey it.


Staff Member
He was given an order to step back and failed to comply. Failure to comply according to our use of force rules using pepper spray is justified. The young man was between several parked police cars and the rioters in NYC have already set many on fire, jumped all over their cars, smashed out windows with bricks, and vandalised them with spray paint. The city should have a right to protect their equipment. You may disagree with this but if that order to move the crowd back came from a commander, the officer was going to obey it.

i dont see that at all - there are a number of protestors stood there doing the same as him with their hands up not really obstructing anything (the road is blocked by police cars mostly) and he picks the only black man in the vicinity pulls down his mask and maces him

he literally scans the white guy and girl and leaves them be before choosing to aggress onto the black man

and just generally - why are the police covering up their badge numbers if they arent intending to escalate or do something wrong? surely it is more important than ever right now for police to be open and transparent (which includes having accountability)
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