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The Well-Mannered Politics Thread

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Hall of Famer
After watching the news and seeing all this rioting, arson, looting, and violence IMHO it is a good argument for why you may need an AR 15 with a 30 round magazine. It is very clear that no one from the Government is going to be able to save you from large gangs/mobs of lawless people. I have spoke with many people who are terrified by what is happening. My elderly parents are scared to death.


Hall of Famer
is also technically a death threat by an elected politician on protestors (which is a protected right)

absolutely ridiculous
I am worried about the looting of gun stores. If they can rip off the grates to a shoe store and steal shoes they can rip off the metal grates to a gun store and get rifles, handguns, and a boat load of ammunition. Pretty scary stuff for those living here in these American inner cities.


Hall of Famer
Sick culture exposed for everybody to see.
There's no hiding after this.
I hear what you are saying, but I really don't know if it can ever really be fixed....and if it can't do we just let it go? If people are allowed to get right up on an officer four inches from their face and scream in itwithout a mask during a Pandemic and tell them that they are not allowed to react...then I say let it burn. No police signs up for that!


Hall of Famer
I remember the blizzard of 1983 when all that looting occurred in the city of Baltimore and Mayor Schaefer told the police - no IID numbers will be taken, Go Get My City Back!!! We came a long way since then.


Staff Member

police firing on medical tents
and multiple incidents of firing on and arresting journalists who have identified themselves as press - you can clearly see in most cases with no provocation at all

these are crimes that go against the geneva convention - if this was a war these would be war crimes

this is outrageous overstepping


Staff Member

tell me again this isnt a race issue


Hall of Famer
is also technically a death threat by an elected politician on protestors (which is a protected right)

absolutely ridiculous
Well they say that freedom of speech is one of the things that makes this country so great. What he posted may make him a jerk but he has a right to his opinion I guess. A threat is only a crime if you have the immediate means to carry it out. He put the word protesters in quotes because that is what they are calling the riotous mobs on many of the liberal news outlets and I don't believe he likes it. I am not defending it, just see it differently than as you described.


Ravens Ring of Honor

tell me again this isnt a race issue

in the superficial sense it is but it's merely symptomatic. There's a much bigger issue going on and these symptoms are distracting from that.
All lives matter
A kid was raped by a police officer and the officer wasnt punished, this was 2 years ago

this goes well beyond race but the divide and conquer strategies...

ya'll played like a fiddle.
same routine
and miss the point


Ravens Ring of Honor
the war has never been

the war on terror
or the war on racism
or the war on communism
or the war on sexism

the war that you've all been distracted from is the war on consciousness ( no pun intended).
This response was so predictable and the same old shit and believe me, it's what the establishment all want.
I'd like to feel shocked or surprised but really i'm done with this game and the game is the distraction from the establishment

in many ways this is like entertainment, as frank zappa said, whats going on right now is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex.


Hall of Famer
clearly not
Did you see the video yesterdayof the black Baltimore City police officer punch the black woman in the face after she punched the white sergeant in the face twice. The force he used was the same force she used which is allowed under our policy, but the black officer was suspended. Clearly 100% a far far far different time!


Ravens Ring of Honor
Are any other members on here hear any reports that the officer with his knee on Mr. Floyd s neck and Mr Floyd were co-workers at a nightclub and Mr. Floyd owed the officer money. I heard Mr. Floyd was bouncing checks so maybe he did owe money to the officer. This does not matter because it is still murder and the officer still should spend many years behind bars. I am just curious if there may be more to this whole Minneapolis incident. Maybe what I am hearing was false reports or a hoax. I am not seeing anything on mainstream media about it. I find it strange that the officer, who so many say did what he did because he was a racist cop, is married to an Asian woman. Something does not seem to be adding up for me. When you work in a major city with a large police department with manyAfrican American officers, they would know if you were a racist. He would be shunned, officers would refuse to work with him, he would be forced out or assigned to somewhere in the basement. Trust me on that!

I heard the same thing thats why I said before that he may be just a dirty cop. He could've been threatened by Floyd. The dude kept his knee on Floyd's neck for additional time even after he was unresponsive. This is why I dont get why the other cops were standing around. Also I've heard before Asians dont count as minorities or in racial justice. Yep.


Hall of Famer
Those 1000s were not so concerned when inbreds in Georgia killed a black man while he was jogging.
You may be right, but we should be just as concerned for the little black girl that was gunned down in the city during crossfire from gang bangers in a drug war or when an officer is ambushed. It has to work both ways but I just don't see the same level of outrage. Murder is murder.
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