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2019 Forum Mock: Discussion Thread


Gotta love it when someone reneges on your agreed on deal because you couldn't post it. @Cowboysfan1
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Practice Squad
I mean yeah, it's a dick move, I'm certainly not discrediting that. However, posting the DMs in main for the pitchforks to come out is definitely burning that bridge. There's classier ways to go about it.
In my defense, I had been discussing a different trade involving one of the picks prior to the discussion I had with Cleveland. Last night, Cleveland asked for a day to think about the trade. I was expecting to hear back from him tonight. Prior to that and prior to seeing Cleveland's PM, I agreed to the deal I posted. I'm sorry that I did not see it. However, I will also point out that no deal is final until it is posted and confirmed by the second party. The deal with Cleveland was never posted nor confirmed. I did not break any rules nor was I trying to violate the spirit of any rules.


Staff Member
and this is why folks, much like in the actual league, a deal isnt official until the paperwork is handed into the league office (in this case posted on the appropriate thread and confirmed) - it is anyone's prerogative to back out of a deal or postpone a deal or delay a deal or whatever they want until the deal is confirmed... and until that point there's nothing to air or anything...

in fact all that's happened here is that there's now 30 other teams who know what deal is being struck and can step in and beat it if they want to...
In my defense, I had been discussing a different trade involving one of the picks prior to the discussion I had with Cleveland. Last night, Cleveland asked for a day to think about the trade. I was expecting to hear back from him tonight. Prior to that and prior to seeing Cleveland's PM, I agreed to the deal I posted. I'm sorry that I did not see it. However, I will also point out that no deal is final until it is posted and confirmed by the second party. The deal with Cleveland was never posted nor confirmed. I did not break any rules nor was I trying to violate the spirit of any rules.

I offered a couple others. When they said no, or wanted to wait on it I accepted your offer this morning.

Definitely no rules broken and not saying any were. If you didn't see it, you didn't see it... still reneged. All is good.


Practice Squad
and this is why folks, much like in the actual league, a deal isnt official until the paperwork is handed into the league office (in this case posted on the appropriate thread and confirmed) - it is anyone's prerogative to back out of a deal or postpone a deal or delay a deal or whatever they want until the deal is confirmed... and until that point there's nothing to air or anything...

in fact all that's happened here is that there's now 30 other teams who know what deal is being struck and can step in and beat it if they want to...

To be clear, I now have Houston's 3/4/6. The trade was confirmed on the thread and the deal is done.


Staff Member
Everyone is enabled to edit the Big Board thread. Please only add the player and position of the player you drafted. I'll make sure all trades are updated.


Staff Member
Not that there should be any surprise, but Jordy Nelson has decided to retire on me.
Maybe I was too hard on you. Maybe when you traded Antonio Gates away, you were doing it for the people. I see that now.


Staff Member
Maybe I was too hard on you. Maybe when you traded Antonio Gates away, you were doing it for the people. I see that now.

I'm actually not hurt at all about this one lol. More cap for FFA and I would plan/hope he doesn't make my final 53 anyways.