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Congratulations. It's always easier to get a job when you have one. Do you start immediately or did you do the smart thing and give your current job a couple weeks notice.

Thanks brother. I wrote my employer a letter of resignation and 2 week notice. Weird thing was my boss never said anything to me about it. I've never just left a job cold turkey like that


Hall of Famer

Gotta get that hot end of summer bod.


Hall of Famer
luckily it turns out it was mostly just superficial damage and nothing important got damaged but yeah it was a close one and i got very lucky - i was cycling and got hit by a truck

but heyho...

'tis but a flesh wound'
Here's a gif to brighten your day.



Staff Member
Here's a gif to brighten your day.


my day has actually been fine - ive found out i cant go surfing on my surf trip with work colleagues but i can still drive there and i can still drink and do everything except get in the water which given the circumstances is pretty cool - especially as we have a mash unit of injuries which stop others from surfing too - like its a literal litany of walking wounded lol: one guy has a separated shoulder, one has a broken collar bone, one is still recovering from breaking their back and multiple other parts of their body and now there's me who has a hole in his ankle...


Hall of Famer
How to cook the perfect steak.
By The Totally Sober Lost and Translation
1. Hot fucking pan
2. One teaspoon of fucking olive oil.
3. Lay the fucking steak away from you.
4. Sear one side for two fucking minutes
5. Repeat step fucking four after flipping sides
6. Turn over and sear the fucking fat
7. Add a tablespoon of fucking butter
8. Baste the fucking steak with the fucking butter
9. Take the steak off the fucking grill after two fucking minutes
10. Let the steak fucking sit for two fucking minutes
11. Cut steak down the fucking middle to ensure it's cooked to fucking perfection.
12. Fucking delicious.


1) steak should be room temperature when placing in the pan. Never freeze a steak..
2) rub the steak in some sea salt and crushed black pepper. ( don't use Mortions salt. Throw that crap away )
3) use a spatula or tongs to move the steak. Not a fork.
4) learn the hand technique for testing doness. Do not poke with a probe.
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