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Joe Flacco

Militant X 1

Ravens Ring of Honor
The one thing that I really hate that Flacco lacks is an ability to create for his team when a play isn't there. A Brady, Brees, Rodgers, Newton, Luck, etc. can all navigate the pocket and move around and keep a play alive. They can play backyard football and wait for a play to develop, even if it wasn't drawn up.

Joe just stands stationary and seems to get lost when the first few reads are covered.

And how in the hell did you forget about and leave BIG BEN out of that scenario? That cat extends and makes plays for his team like nobody's business. Well, minus his 5 INT's against the Jags. :giggle:


Hall of Famer
Only if you can over and under throw your receivers, not pay attention to the play clock, throw two yards past the line of scrimmage and only throw to one side of the field. If you check all these boxes you are hired.
Damn. I'm good with all of the requirements except one - don't think I can make it to the scrimmage line, let alone 2 yards more.


Staff Member
Yeah I've mentioned this myself plenty of times. Sometimes you need your QB to become a play-maker and make plays when nothing seems to be there. You would like to see him move around in the pocket and keep plays alive but unfortunately he doesn't do that, he just waits and either takes the sack or throws the ball late to the side line when he rolls out. If the pocket breaks down you would like to see him roll out and make a play. It's not going to always happen but you would like to see him make plays, unfortunately he hasn't done that.
I don't expect that it's going to be a completion or big play every single time, but every once in a while you'll get a GB-DAL play like the sideline grab that Cook made in the playoffs.


Staff Member
And how in the hell did you forget about and leave BIG BEN out of that scenario? That cat extends and makes plays for his team like nobody's business. Well, minus his 5 INT's against the Jags. :giggle:
Yeah, can't leave him out. Was it 2010 where he rolled out and extended an absurd play and hit AB deep on Webb to win the game for the Steelers in the playoffs? The helmet catch.


Don't tell me Flacco is the problem.



This offense is dreadful outside Collins, Maclin and occasionally Watson and Wallace.

I've never been convinced until now, but I think Ozzie is done.

We should have kept Boldin
Should have kept Osemele, even if it meant losing Yanda
We should have kept Torrey even
We want to blame Joe for the salary cap but we have also had so much dead money from players we shouldn't have signed
Joe isn't elite but I'm sorry, he isn't terrible and I rewatched the game twice, there was really not much Joe could do, our special teams bailed us out twice but you can tell by the end of the game Joe has lost all confidence in our offense.
Marty might not be the problem but honestly he isn't the solution either.

Remember when we groaned about Cam cameron and the 2008-2012 offense? Can we have that back?

its not a popular view around here but I think ozze has single handily destroyed the ravens


it really has come down to starting mallet. flacco needs to know his job is not etched in stone. the offense was putrid last week. we scored 2 td's on special teams and none on offense.

the raiders even at home are no great thing this year. we were spotted 14 points and coasted on them.

its time to start mallet
Don't tell me Flacco is the problem.



This offense is dreadful outside Collins, Maclin and occasionally Watson and Wallace.

I've never been convinced until now, but I think Ozzie is done.

We should have kept Boldin
Should have kept Osemele, even if it meant losing Yanda
We should have kept Torrey even
We want to blame Joe for the salary cap but we have also had so much dead money from players we shouldn't have signed
Joe isn't elite but I'm sorry, he isn't terrible and I rewatched the game twice, there was really not much Joe could do, our special teams bailed us out twice but you can tell by the end of the game Joe has lost all confidence in our offense.
Marty might not be the problem but honestly he isn't the solution either.

Remember when we groaned about Cam cameron and the 2008-2012 offense? Can we have that back?
In hindsight we should've made these moves but at the time Yanda was a rock on the OL who was slightly superior while KO had issues with staying on the field. The decision to let Boldin go was clearly the wrong one. The Ravens and Torrey seem like they were both ready to move on and he just got released by the 49ers, let's recognize the he's not a #1 caliber WR and the production in SF doesn't even scream #2 WR production.

Obviously the decision to keep Pitta was a questionable one. I know he's an important player but coming off of a serious hip injury, the signing itself was a gamble. Keeping Monroe was also a necessity but it back fired because after being an Iron man in Jacksonville, all of the sudden he couldn't stay on the field for us, go figure.


Ravens Ring of Honor
hey, jake brisket has single handedly saved the colts season and looked like a good qb - he's certainly fun to watch and i hope that somehow once luck is back, the nfl finds a way to get him to a club where he'll play some games not as an outright backup
Honestly the Colts should trade Luck and keep Brisset. Yeah Luck is better but the best ability is availability. Trade luck to the browns or Jets and get a ton of picks.


Hall of Famer
Honestly the Colts should trade Luck and keep Brisset. Yeah Luck is better but the best ability is availability. Trade luck to the browns or Jets and get a ton of picks.
I'm convinced that Luck is totally fine, but his agent is advising him not to play behind that shit team.

I mean jesus. That team is horrible as a whole and that organization is fucked up. I feel bad for Luck. He's a top 10 QB when he's healthy.


Hall of Famer
It’s a bit refreshing knowing we left most of he Flacco apologists on the old boards. They’re a bit outnumbered now. I’m glad we’re holding our QB accountable for being one of the worst starters in the league over the last few seasons. I’ve never been a Flacco hater. He will always have a soft spot in my heart for that Super Bowl win, but it’s time for a change.


Ravens Ring of Honor
I'm convinced that Luck is totally fine, but his agent is advising him not to play behind that shit team.

I mean jesus. That team is horrible as a whole and that organization is fucked up. I feel bad for Luck. He's a top 10 QB when he's healthy.
That could be the case, but I mean Brisset is out there making the team look halfway decent so idk. But he is without a doubt a very solid QB. Ive never liked him though. Mainly because his voice pisses me off. Its like he talks from his throat lol


Hall of Famer
The first article is telling and perfectly describes much of the banter here. It should be mandatory reading before posting in this thread.

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Hall of Famer
The first article is telling and perfectly describes much of the banter here. It should be mandatory reading before posting in this thread.

No, it shouldn't.

Fans have every right to demand consistent, average to above average performance from the franchise quarterback paid at elite level. That's not much to ask. God forbid we ask of him to win some fucking games for the Ravens.

Bobby Rainey tripped and Camp dropped one but they also scored on great individual effort. What has Joe done for us lately?


Hall of Famer
No, it shouldn't.

Fans have every right to demand consistent, average to above average performance from the franchise quarterback paid at elite level. That's not much to ask. God forbid we ask of him to win some fucking games for the Ravens.

Bobby Rainey tripped and Camp dropped one but they also scored on great individual effort. What has Joe done for us lately?
lol......chill with the soap box speech brah. Didn’t post it to defend Flacco. Nor do I question anyone’s rights to bitch. But the complaining should be done using some common sense and that is often not the case. So yes, the article should be required reading. The myopic view some have is as described at the beginning of the article “excruciatingly stupid“.