Militant X 1
Hall of Famer
He hasn't played since the titans cut him 3 years ago .His releases and trades weren't your normal "like many other players". Everywhere he went word was that he was locker room poison.
lol.....Where/when did he say this?
"I am not saying things were bad here, but as far as where I fit in and what they want from a young team, it was hard for me as a veteran because the head coach wants guys to listen to him," Pollard said
I don't doubt one bit that Pollard was poison in the locker rooms. That has been well documented. However, just because someone may have been a bad apple in a locker room....that doesn't mean that what he says (no matter how late he says it) is to be so easily dismissed as having no merit or as a feeble attempt to stay relevant.
As far as his not wanting to "listen" to Harbaugh? I get it! I could see how seasoned veterans like him, Ray Lewis, Ed Reed and Anquan Boldin etc., could have problems with a coach like Harbaugh. Hell! Even Harbaugh himself mentioned how he didn't speak to Ed Reed for weeks because of their rocky relationship.
The reality is that at the end of the day, both Pollard and Harbaugh (and the others in the meeting) know exactly "what" and "how" it went down. I don't believe everything I see on television or what I read in articles. I love their own words.....from the people who were actually involved.