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Lamar Jackson


Ravens Ring of Honor


Ravens Ring of Honor
So why do people think Lamar has played his final game due to this tweet? I’m not understanding that narrative.
I feel Lamar would not have tweeted like this if he felt the Ravens were handling his injury status properly.
I really think there is bad blood on both sides .
He’s done as a Raven. I think the feeling is mutual between him and the Ravens.


Ravens Ring of Honor
I’ve been pro trading Lamar for a while but I don’t think that happens. Really feels like this is a “coming to Jesus” moment for Lamar. I’m thinking this helps get the deal in the off-season


Ravens Ring of Honor
I’ve been pro trading Lamar for a while but I don’t think that happens. Really feels like this is a “coming to Jesus” moment for Lamar. I’m thinking this helps get the deal in the off-season
I hope your optimism is correct but I just think he’s done here
he called it severe "bordering grade 3"
Bordering but not Grade 3 .what’s that mean ?
Just shut him down man
Players can't and shouldn't disclose injury status. It should come from the team. Sometimes it's just worse than a team wants to let on. That's fair. Yet there's the whole competitive advantage of not fully disclosing and I respect that too. I think they knew all along that it was unlikely he was going to play again. Now it just seems like gamesmanship.
Yeah I’m not so sure on this one. I mean what would they gain by downplaying a season ending injury to the franchise QB? If they knew all along wouldn’t they IR him and maybe bring in another warm body? IDK, if they knew all along I’m even more pissed.


Ravens Ring of Honor
Yeah kinda weird. If they’re resting Lamar then why? What’s the purpose of hiding an injury? If you do want to trade him his value is now lower. I don’t think this smells like the reality. If he’s hurt his trade value is bound to be lower anyway. I just don’t think the entire trade scenario makes sense. With Hollywood and Hurst we didn’t know they wanted to be traded until they were


Ravens Ring of Honor
Yeah kinda weird. If they’re resting Lamar then why? What’s the purpose of hiding an injury? If you do want to trade him his value is now lower. I don’t think this smells like the reality. If he’s hurt his trade value is bound to be lower anyway. I just don’t think the entire trade scenario makes sense. With Hollywood and Hurst we didn’t know they wanted to be traded until they were
Something stinks about all of this. Maybe Lamar wants to be traded.


Ravens Ring of Honor
I'm not sure I see it the same way, Lamar's Dad... I wouldn't be surprised if he were happy to take the payday of the Tag to try to have a healthy year in cementing an even larger contract. He bet on himself this year and it failed. I don't think he wants any regrets. But if we pay the tag and he winds up injured again next year on the tag, he damages his ability to get the record deal he's angling for and weakens our position in getting trade value. If it ain't done soon, I feel like the die is cast for him to be traded on draft night.

I think Lamar is more of a competitor than anything else. Getting paid for one year won’t help the Ravens get him weapons (assuming they really are going to go crazy trying)


Staff Member

Militant X 1

Ravens Ring of Honor
Lamar is communicating via Twitter:

Dom McRaven

Hall of Famer
So why do people think Lamar has played his final game due to this tweet? I’m not understanding that narrative.
I still think he'll be a Raven next season. I'm standing on this hill until proven otherwise. I think he's gonna get tagged, but I do get a sneaky feeling that he's gonna get a long-term extension.


Ravens Ring of Honor
give it a rest - that is an awful take based in awful reading comprehension
this same page tells you that for athletes it would normally take 8 weeks...

at least read the thing you're gonna post before using it to say something needlessly wrong
Why read it when it says in bold print 3-4 weeks right up front.
So athletes it takes longer to heal , those that are in top condition ? Horseshit