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Dennis Pitta - Designed Offense is 1 Read and Check Down


Staff Member
not that im advocating losing out - but do you really think we are that far away?
I really don’t think we are as far away as it seems. We need an O coordinator they will put them in a position to succeed and we need to use our players from 2016 and 17 at a position of strength.

Militant X 1

Ravens Ring of Honor
We have had 2 seasons without making the playoffs. 2014 playoffs were not that long ago. You talk like 2012 was the last time we made the playoffs but it we have only missed them twice since our last birth.

Btw those 2 seasons were an injury disaster and 1 yard from taking the division so im still not worried.

I couldn't care any less about Joe playing well in the 2014 playoffs. That was a few seasons back and means absolutely nothing at this point! You guys have this mindset that Joe is going to automatically turn into some mystical superman type of figure if he can get to the playoffs. C'mon man! :D :lol:


Ravens Ring of Honor
I couldn't care any less about Joe playing well in the 2014 playoffs. That was a few seasons back and means absolutely nothing at this point! You guys have this mindset that Joe is going to automatically turn into some mystical superman type of figure if he can get to the playoffs. C'mon man! :D :lol:

It has not even been 3 years so calling it a few is inaccurate. You are acting like its not recent when 2014 is recent. He is still in his prime. Yes he took a bad injury in 2015 and like every other NFL player rushed back from it, but if you actually watch the games and watch what is going on Joe is actually playing pretty well. His accuracy is just better than it has been. Now a lot of those balls are not being converted to receptions like should but to paraphrase Gizelle he cannot throw it and catch it. If you put a ball into both hands of your receiver your job is done, if that ends up a catch, a drop, or even an INT as has happened multiple times to a rather worrying degree as long as you deliver the ball to the receivers hands especially getting him either in stride or protected from the hit you have done all you can do the rest is on the other guys.

That is at its core the nature of being a QB. A QB cannot MAKE you look good, but only give you the opportunity to make yourself look good. Some players are just not good enough to take advantage of it but most are. There are handful of WRs who need less help then others but they are not as important as a solid OLine because with protection and a solid QB the numbers will happen for anyone.
I really don’t think we are as far away as it seems. We need an O coordinator they will put them in a position to succeed and we need to use our players from 2016 and 17 at a position of strength.
I feel like the offense needs a lot of overhauls and with the limited cap it's going to be difficult. First, you need to find a #1 WR and a #3 because the lack of depth at WR has killed this team repeatedly. The NFL is going in the direction of depth at WR and more spread formation so not having a reliable #3 is a problem. It's the response in the demand and uprise of CBs nowadays.

I think Maclin definitely stays, but after that I really don't know how this team deals with the WR position. After that you need to find a guard.

Regardless next year this team might be dangerous, especially if they manage to get together a good offense and a pass rush for the defense.

Militant X 1

Ravens Ring of Honor
It has not even been 3 years so calling it a few is inaccurate. You are acting like its not recent when 2014 is recent. He is still in his prime. Yes he took a bad injury in 2015 and like every other NFL player rushed back from it, but if you actually watch the games and watch what is going on Joe is actually playing pretty well. His accuracy is just better than it has been. Now a lot of those balls are not being converted to receptions like should but to paraphrase Gizelle he cannot throw it and catch it. If you put a ball into both hands of your receiver your job is done, if that ends up a catch, a drop, or even an INT as has happened multiple times to a rather worrying degree as long as you deliver the ball to the receivers hands especially getting him either in stride or protected from the hit you have done all you can do the rest is on the other guys.

That is at its core the nature of being a QB. A QB cannot MAKE you look good, but only give you the opportunity to make yourself look good. Some players are just not good enough to take advantage of it but most are. There are handful of WRs who need less help then others but they are not as important as a solid OLine because with protection and a solid QB the numbers will happen for anyone.

Flacco had amazing playoff runs between the 08'-12' seasons that gained him the moniker of being "January Joe". Kool! The Ravens went on with "January Joe" and won the SB in 12'. But what happened to this so-called "January Joe" in the years that they missed the playoffs (13', 15' 16')? Sure, the Ravens returned to the playoffs in 14' but haven't been the same since then. Now, fast forward to the year 2017.

The Ravens are now 4-5 and could miss out on the playoffs once again if they don't take care of their business going forward. 2017 - 2014 = 3. That's 3 years man! See, you cats tickle me with all of this "January Joe" talk because you're basing your hopes on Joe...first making the playoffs...and then...you assume that if he's there that he'll automatically turn into "Super Joe" because of what he did way back in 08'-12'. Not me!
