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Dennis Pitta - Designed Offense is 1 Read and Check Down

Militant X 1

Ravens Ring of Honor
Former Ravens tight end Dennis Pitta, who is a close friend of Flacco, said one of the reasons why Baltimore's offense has struggled is philosophy. He believes the offense can't keep playing conservative football and rely on its defense to win games.

"Right now, Joe has one read and then he's got to check it down if it's not there," Pitta told WBAL Radio in Baltimore. "That's really the offense they have set up for him. It's difficult to play quarterback under those circumstances."

^ That's clear! And, it is something that we see happening game in and game out each week. Now that's just so damn pitiful and shameful that a so-called, "franchise QB" of 10 seasons can ONLY make one read and then has to check it down!

This is the part of what Pitta said that gets me....

"That's really the offense they have set up for him. It's difficult to play quarterback under those circumstances."

You got to ask; "What is it about Flacco that causes Harbaugh and Marty not to trust or unleash this guy?"


Practice Squad
Former Ravens tight end Dennis Pitta, who is a close friend of Flacco, said one of the reasons why Baltimore's offense has struggled is philosophy. He believes the offense can't keep playing conservative football and rely on its defense to win games.

"Right now, Joe has one read and then he's got to check it down if it's not there," Pitta told WBAL Radio in Baltimore. "That's really the offense they have set up for him. It's difficult to play quarterback under those circumstances."

^ That's clear! And, it is something that we see happening game in and game out each week. Now that's just so damn pitiful and shameful that a so-called, "franchise QB" of 10 seasons can ONLY make one read and then has to check it down!

This is the part of what Pitta said that gets me....

"That's really the offense they have set up for him. It's difficult to play quarterback under those circumstances."

You got to ask; "What is it about Flacco that causes Harbaugh and Marty not to trust or unleash this guy?"

amount of turnovers?


Ravens Ring of Honor
Former Ravens tight end Dennis Pitta, who is a close friend of Flacco, said one of the reasons why Baltimore's offense has struggled is philosophy. He believes the offense can't keep playing conservative football and rely on its defense to win games.

"Right now, Joe has one read and then he's got to check it down if it's not there," Pitta told WBAL Radio in Baltimore. "That's really the offense they have set up for him. It's difficult to play quarterback under those circumstances."

^ That's clear! And, it is something that we see happening game in and game out each week. Now that's just so damn pitiful and shameful that a so-called, "franchise QB" of 10 seasons can ONLY make one read and then has to check it down!

This is the part of what Pitta said that gets me....

"That's really the offense they have set up for him. It's difficult to play quarterback under those circumstances."

You got to ask; "What is it about Flacco that causes Harbaugh and Marty not to trust or unleash this guy?"

You are asking the wrong question because what they are doing does not show a,lack of trust in Flacco but a lack of trust in the OLine. They don't trust the protection to hold up long enough to let Flacco do his reads and let routes develop.

Now is this being done to minimize sacks or protect Flacco bc they have no faith in the backup


Ravens Ring of Honor
I really hope that Woodhead can stay healthy. Even if, for whatever reason, we don't decide to "unleash" Flacco for the second half of the season then at least Woodhead can turn those check-downs into some decent yardage and extend drives. As long as the offense can become respectable then I think we have a decent chance at winning most of our remaining games.

Militant X 1

Ravens Ring of Honor
You are asking the wrong question because what they are doing does not show a,lack of trust in Flacco but a lack of trust in the OLine. They don't trust the protection to hold up long enough to let Flacco do his reads and let routes develop.

Now is this being done to minimize sacks or protect Flacco bc they have no faith in the backup

I get what you are saying and take it to heart but O-line or not; Flacco isn't some rookie or novice QB here. He's a 10 year "starting" veteran with mega playoff experience (as his admirers love to mention) and a SB win and MVP. So, I believe it is the right question to ask. To handcuff a man with that type of experience into making only one read and then a check down speaks volumes to me about that man's abilities or inabilities at this point. It's sad!


Staff Member
I get what you are saying and take it to heart but O-line or not; Flacco isn't some rookie or novice QB here. He's a 10 year "starting" veteran with mega playoff experience (as his admirers love to mention) and a SB win and MVP. So, I believe it is the right question to ask. To handcuff a man with that type of experience into making only one read and then a check down speaks volumes to me about that man's abilities or inabilities at this point. It's sad!

given what ive seen this year it tells me more about his confidence and the inadequacies of the scheme because ive seen flacco make throws this year with better technique than at any point since 2014 and yet he cant stack them together which tells me that his confidence is shot or something or the coordinators never handled his return from injury properly - by all accounts the game against oakland, at times vs the browns, the game vs miami before he got headhunted and some other select throws throughout the year have looked like vintage good flacco - the problem is that so often he reverts to 2016 type throws which kills me - it tells me that we really should have a qb coach in town to help joe with his mechanics and footwork and confidence - to specifically take him through the film and show him that he can trust his blindside etc. and that he needs to trust that he can and should step into his throws

im not excusing flacco of blame but showing that their are some pretty important signifiers that suggest that he isnt always a bad qb and that its not that he cant still play at a high level - its that we have no consistency or ability to stack good qb games together or even good qb throws together at this point - and some of that is on flacco but i earnestly believe that this organisation has not (from a coaching or personnel standpoint) set flacco up with the best chance to succeed these last 2 years


Ravens Ring of Honor
I get what you are saying and take it to heart but O-line or not; Flacco isn't some rookie or novice QB here. He's a 10 year "starting" veteran with mega playoff experience (as his admirers love to mention) and a SB win and MVP. So, I believe it is the right question to ask. To handcuff a man with that type of experience into making only one read and then a check down speaks volumes to me about that man's abilities or inabilities at this point. It's sad!

I honestly think the organization has made the call they have no chance if Flacco goes so whatever it takes protect him. Honestly a lot of "playoff Joe" boils down to them just loosening the reigns and taking that risk because its the playoffs.

Dom McRaven

Hall of Famer
I honestly think the organization has made the call they have no chance if Flacco goes so whatever it takes protect him. Honestly a lot of "playoff Joe" boils down to them just loosening the reigns and taking that risk because its the playoffs.
If that's the case, the FO might as well inform the league that they are planning on tanking then. I mean, every one associated or affiliated knows full well that if Flacco goes down, so do our playoff chances. So let's say this is truly happening and Flacco STILL gets injured in a freak accident way kinda like 2015. What then? It's actually like Derek Carr's injury despite having a top 3 o-line.

By no means am I coming at you as it's toward the FO. I'd be extremely pissed if they did this.

Militant X 1

Ravens Ring of Honor
I honestly think the organization has made the call they have no chance if Flacco goes so whatever it takes protect him. Honestly a lot of "playoff Joe" boils down to them just loosening the reigns and taking that risk because its the playoffs.

Well, I never bought into Flacco's moniker of being "Playoff" or "January" Joe in the first place. All of that talk was in reference to his game play years ago but not so much in the past few seasons.

Militant X 1

Ravens Ring of Honor
you can probably still call him january joe - but our place as a recent "elite" ball club in the eyes of the cognoscenti should definitely be under threat

I can't!!! That's because to me; just because he produced in the playoffs YEARS ago...that doesn't automatically mean that he'll continue to play like that IF or WHEN he ever makes the playoffs again.


Staff Member
I can't!!! That's because to me; just because he produced in the playoffs YEARS ago...that doesn't automatically mean that he'll continue to play like that IF or WHEN he ever makes the playoffs again.

for me its a case of when was the last time he didnt play well in the playoffs? im not saying he automatically will be good but he hasnt not been good in the playoffs for the best part of a decade


Ravens Ring of Honor
I can't!!! That's because to me; just because he produced in the playoffs YEARS ago...that doesn't automatically mean that he'll continue to play like that IF or WHEN he ever makes the playoffs again.

We have had 2 seasons without making the playoffs. 2014 playoffs were not that long ago. You talk like 2012 was the last time we made the playoffs but it we have only missed them twice since our last birth.

Btw those 2 seasons were an injury disaster and 1 yard from taking the division so im still not worried.


Neither do I. So let's say we "tank" and we get a stud that could be an all-pro. What if said player gets hurt with a terrible injury and is never the same? Yeah....exactly.

Not that I don't think one player can make *that much* of a difference, I don't think one player can make enough of a difference next season that I want to even attempt to lose the rest of this season.