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The 2023 Offseason Thread


Hall of Famer
Maybe we'll know tomorrow. Who knows. there has to be a come to jesus at some point soon, tho.

I wrestle with the potential of seeing multiple 2019-like potential seasons with getting a haul in draft picks if there's a divorce. I can take either scenario. It's just fun being an armchair HC, GM once the season is over.
Problem with that? Only Lamar had a season like 2019 one.


Hall of Famer
In red wine jus.


Old Bay

If you listen to Marlon's presser, he straight up says the defense under achieved based on the guys its got. The defense got dramatically better as the season went on and I think in particular the last 2 games against the Bengals were really encouraging. There's definitely something going on with lacking a killer instinct and generally being too soft. I hope this can get fixed. Probably gonna lose Calais, Peters, and Clark. That's a lot of leadership. I hope MM can learn a lot this offseason.
I think Roquan fills a leadership role. Glad we signed him.

QtR Nevermore

Pro Bowler
The run game was KILLING us and this idiot went all passes. I guess Harbs feels like he owes him that why he's kept him around this long.
Harbaugh never wants to change anything unless it's forced upon him.

He and EDC are leading the post season presser tomorrow, so it doesn't seem like any changes have been forced. We can all look forward to Groundhog Season Pt 11.