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Lamar Jackson


Staff Member
With all of this, I will say that it's another botched PR job and it's been downhill ever since Byrne left. I know it's an organizational thought process that the less info that's out there, the better off you are. But sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and be forthright. It's why this conversation leans so heavy to the extremes. It's never easy to prognosticate injury timelines, but I can imagine this goes significantly better if they have Harbaugh give some detail and say they don't have a timeline vs. the choice to consistently just say that he doesn't know.

is this different to the Byrne era though - havent harbs and the ravens always been like this regarding any injury that's not immediately obviously season ending?


Staff Member
is this different to the Byrne era though - havent harbs and the ravens always been like this regarding any injury that's not immediately obviously season ending?
Yeah but I feel like they just had a better handle on things back then. We’ve definitely moved to a lot more secrecy in recent years in regards to nearly everything. Felt like they at least gave non-answer answers back then compared to the no info answers we get now.

Militant X 1

Ravens Ring of Honor
Unless I'm misreading in my haste to read like 20+ pages, people are really suggesting that Lamar shouldn't have made a statement about his injury?

We have people who ran with the initial 1-3 week report and people who ran with the original Mike Preston report (which was then walked back on, but the damage had been done) and are using it still as fuel to slam on Lamar. People suggesting he's checked out and that he's not actually injured.

The Ravens did a really poor job of handling the injury and defending Lamar and I don't blame him for speaking out, in a very professional manner mind you, against the very loud group of people who are shitting on him for what appears to be, by all accounts, a really severe injury.

With how poorly the Ravens handled defending him and how poorly a very vocal group of Ravens fans have been regarding the injury, I wouldn't be shocked if Lamar tried to force his way out of Baltimore. There WILL be a team that will pay him a fully guaranteed contract and would appreciate his services.
Absolutely! The Ravens fan in me wanted Lamar to come back for this Wildcard game but it's not happening! The business side of me says that Lamar needs to say to hell with the Ravens and get away from this franchise as quickly as he can. I hate how all of this has been handled and played out in the media.
I'm not going to add to injury talk but I do agree we should trade Lamar. This is the second year in a row he misses the second half of the season (I know it's not his fault he gets injured) and these injuries are taking a toll on his biggest asset which is his legs.

He is a great athlete, excellent runner, but he is slowing down which is expected. He has not taken the next step as a passer therfore in my opinion he doesn't deserve the contract that is rumored he wants. The FO has failed in giving him WRs but we also can't deny that this team set up this offense to fit Lamar and his strengths. I'll be happy of he's stays but I will understand if the team decides to trade him.


Hall of Famer
I'm not going to add to injury talk but I do agree we should trade Lamar. This is the second year in a row he misses the second half of the season (I know it's not his fault he gets injured) and these injuries are taking a toll on his biggest asset which is his legs.

He is a great athlete, excellent runner, but he is slowing down which is expected. He has not taken the next step as a passer therfore in my opinion he doesn't deserve the contract that is rumored he wants. The FO has failed in giving him WRs but we also can't deny that this team set up this offense to fit Lamar and his strengths. I'll be happy of he's stays but I will understand if the team decides to trade him.
How does QB show his passing ability if there's no one to throw to?


Staff Member
Also as good as Lamar is why would some team trade the farm for Lamar when he is hurt and had a season ending injury? That’s the kind of dumb move a franchise does. The only way a team does it is if the Ravens sell very low. I’m not sure why I would do that if I am the Ravens.

Only way Lamar leaves is if he wants it and I’m not convinced of that.
Lamar's asking price would not change regardless of what happened this season. we all knew that going into the year, and it ended in quite literally the worst case for all parties, harbs mad, Lamar mad, fans mad - and no clarity until 3 days before the game. I much would have rather known the season was done in November like last year. but Lamar will get the same amount of money as a baseline to if he didn't play the season. as a fan I hate that but as a business perspective you can't fault him


Staff Member
just like stanley
the Lamar stuff is a clear overreaction because no one knows anything from the outside.

the stannley stuff, I do think is a miracle that he came back and is healthy and good. I don't think it was wrong on anyone to doubt a guy not playing in 2 years with 3 surgeries and a horrific injury. I don't think they are comparable, but I get your point is saying fans are dumb and overreact and agree with that on the Lamar stance


Staff Member
isn't it completely against league rules to lie about injuries and not disclose information as such on Lamar? I believe whatever has gone down is new information (max 10 days old) and not something that has been known about for an extended period


Ravens Ring of Honor
I'm not sure I see it the same way, Lamar's Dad... I wouldn't be surprised if he were happy to take the payday of the Tag to try to have a healthy year in cementing an even larger contract. He bet on himself this year and it failed. I don't think he wants any regrets. But if we pay the tag and he winds up injured again next year on the tag, he damages his ability to get the record deal he's angling for and weakens our position in getting trade value. If it ain't done soon, I feel like the die is cast for him to be traded on draft night.
When an outsider tells me how my son's (my son) situation is going to play out is blasphemy and insulting! Sir, my son and I are forever Ravens. Yes, we want max value for my son, but he has confided in me that he doesn't really care about the money as much as he does winning the SB for the Ravens because they believed in him. He has also said that once he gets a Lombardi trophy for the Ravens, his commitment is finished. He can then do what LeBron did and go to greener pastures.

QtR Nevermore

Pro Bowler
With all of this, I will say that it's another botched PR job and it's been downhill ever since Byrne left. I know it's an organizational thought process that the less info that's out there, the better off you are. But sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and be forthright. It's why this conversation leans so heavy to the extremes. It's never easy to prognosticate injury timelines, but I can imagine this goes significantly better if they have Harbaugh give some detail and say they don't have a timeline vs. the choice to consistently just say that he doesn't know.
I think Harbaugh has created this situation with his answers regarding Lamar's injury.

He may have done it for competitive reasons, but by suggesting that Lamar might be back just a week or two after the injury, he created a situation where Lamar's failure to return became a talking point every week. When he didn't return, that created an information gap which people (and Preston) filled with speculation and theories, mostly about his contract.

Harbaugh added fuel to that fire by acting pissed that Lamar hadn't returned. "I'm going to coach the players I've got."

Harbugh knew, or was told, he'd gone too far, which is why he took some of it back with his more detailed answer a couple of weeks ago.

Now Lamar has done the same. It's very rare for a player to come out and explain their injury in detail, but Lamar rightly felt he had been put in a position where he had to counter the speculation that he was deliberately slow playing it over the contract.

I wonder whether Lamar's statement will get Harbaugh in any trouble with the league. Coaches don't have to be completely open about injury status but I think there are rules against them being deliberately misleading about injuries too, aren't there? Harbaugh clearly wanted every opponent to prepare for Lamar, but now, it seems clear there was no chance of his playing in most of those games. Some other coaches (and maybe the NFL) might think Harbaugh was cheating by keeping Lamar's status open.


Hall of Famer
It's funny everyone is fixated on different aspects of all of this. I'll throw my idea out.

I firstly have no ill will towards Lamar. I think he's always been very hurt and always tried his best to get back.

I think thr Ravens PR on this was an absolute joke. Absolutely no reason for it and made Lamar catch a ton of unnecessary flack.

My biggest gripe, and I've been saying this from the beginning, Lamar's injury was WAAAAY worse than they reported. You can check, I said that we'd be lucky if he was back for Cincy which would have out him at 6 weeks. Turns out that wasn't even close and he probably wouldn't play if we were in the SB.

All that being said wtf were we doing not putting Lamar on IR and getting a real QB in here? This is on top of knowing Snoop is bad and has had tendinitis issues the whole year.

That's absolutely garbage GM-ing and HC-ing.

BIG fat F for EDC, Harbs, and the Ravens PR team
I'm not going to add to injury talk but I do agree we should trade Lamar. This is the second year in a row he misses the second half of the season (I know it's not his fault he gets injured) and these injuries are taking a toll on his biggest asset which is his legs.

He is a great athlete, excellent runner, but he is slowing down which is expected. He has not taken the next step as a passer therfore in my opinion he doesn't deserve the contract that is rumored he wants. The FO has failed in giving him WRs but we also can't deny that this team set up this offense to fit Lamar and his strengths. I'll be happy of he's stays but I will understand if the team decides to trade him.
The greatest ability is availability.
I initially thought along these lines, but the NFL is clearly divided between haves and habe bits. The "haves" have a qb. The Ravens dont even have a competent backup qb. And this draft class isn't known for its passers.
They need to keep Lamar and find a better backup.
Besides, isn't he at the end of rookie contract? I don't know if guys like that can be traded. I suppose they might tag and trade?


Ravens Ring of Honor
Also as good as Lamar is why would some team trade the farm for Lamar when he is hurt and had a season ending injury? That’s the kind of dumb move a franchise does. The only way a team does it is if the Ravens sell very low. I’m not sure why I would do that if I am the Ravens.

Only way Lamar leaves is if he wants it and I’m not convinced of that.


Ravens Ring of Honor
I have to say I am extremely disappointed in the way the Ravens front office has handled the Lamar injury .

He deserved better. He should not have had to Twitter post his injury status. He must have felt it was necessary

because of the complete lack of transparency coming from the front office.

SAD!!!!! I do believe his Twitter post could signal the end of his tenure in Baltimore. I can't believe management is happy with his post
and it indicates Lamar must not be happy with the information presented by the Ravens.


Ravens Ring of Honor
I have to say I am extremely disappointed in the way the Ravens front office has handled the Lamar injury .

He deserved better. He should not have had to Twitter post his injury status. He must have felt it was necessary

because of the complete lack of transparency coming from the front office.

SAD!!!!! I do believe his Twitter post could signal the end of his tenure in Baltimore. I can't believe management is happy with his post
and it indicates Lamar must not be happy with the information presented by the Ravens.
The message didn't seem like him. I don't think he wrote it maybe his mom?