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The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - Jags edition


Ravens Ring of Honor
Here's an experiment... let's follow you around at work with cameras and mics. Not just while you're working but meetings too. Then when you're not working have all your social media followed as well while random people approach you in the street pointing out you're bad days at work and asking you why you sucked that day. Hell, let's also appoint you a role model cause the children. Report your results back...

And remember there's already records here of things you've said so I'm sure you'd be more level headed under more scrutiny. Take that shit somewhere else
Can we also pay Sizzle a few million. Look I understand where you’re coming from but I felt the same way when Torrey would engage haters on Twitter, why validate them with a response? I still think Lamar is a class act that just got mad after a heated loss, but it was dumb


Hall of Famer
I've pretty much had enough with the usage of WRs. Duvernay's usage has to come down slightly. Like he needs to go from 70% or more down to 50%. DJax needs to be on the field way more. DRob needs to be on the field more. Fuck Tylan Wallace. Cut him if need be. He gets 0 snaps across 2 years. Promote Victor and see what the trio DRob, DJax, and Victor can do. You'd be putting out athleticism and some size. Use Duvernay as he should as a gadget guy.

Honestly the offense has to evolve if we want to win and we're past the trade deadline. There's no one on the street anymore. You've gotta make due with what you have.

Victor has to do his best Bateman impression.
DJax has to do his best Hollywood impression.
DRob has to do his best Watkins impression.
Duv has to be a gadget guy and be more rested for his play on STs which has been way more underwhelming since the year has gone on.

We can't keep giving Ricard 74% of the snaps. At some point we have to TRY to evolve. You have the OL to give you time. Start running a more diverse offense.


Ravens Ring of Honor
Can we also pay Sizzle a few million. Look I understand where you’re coming from but I felt the same way when Torrey would engage haters on Twitter, why validate them with a response? I still think Lamar is a class act that just got mad after a heated loss, but it was dumb
Me personally... I don't really buy the "they get paid millions to show restraint" thought process. Never made sense to me. Just because you're rich and famous doesn't mean you just have to absorb all the criticism that comes with it and not be allowed to speak back against it. They're rich and famous because people pay discretionary income to be entertained by them. Doesn't mean they get paid millions to be trolled by people and not be allowed to troll back.

Now, I personally wouldn't have responded to this particular tweet, because fans are mostly quacks on social media and aren't worth even one second of their time. But I do like when athletes push back on the media who write "reports" or opinions that don't make any sense and aren't true. That I will always support the athlete for calling out stupidity.


Ravens Ring of Honor
Me personally... I don't really buy the "they get paid millions to show restraint" thought process. Never made sense to me. Just because you're rich and famous doesn't mean you just have to absorb all the criticism that comes with it and not be allowed to speak back against it. They're rich and famous because people pay discretionary income to be entertained by them. Doesn't mean they get paid millions to be trolled by people and not be allowed to troll back.

Now, I personally wouldn't have responded to this particular tweet, because fans are mostly quacks on social media and aren't worth even one second of their time. But I do like when athletes push back on the media who write "reports" or opinions that don't make any sense and aren't true. That I will always support the athlete for calling out stupidity.

Pushing back and saying someone eats dicks are two totally different things. You can be a classy smartass without being a thug. But I guess you wouldn’t exactly know the difference, now would you


Ravens Ring of Honor
Also it's just so funny to me how out of touch most people age about ~35 are. Older people who don't "get" technology and social media and who shared a different "youth" from today love to be the generic old person's stereotype of "back in my day we'd never have done something like that". Should Lamar have tweeted it, for his own lessening of a headache later, no. Did he do anything wrong? Of course not. He said something unkind to a troll behind his keyboard. Ultimately people will make such a big deal out of this he's going to be forced to have a press conference to apologize. Then immediately everyone will forget and not care because there will be a new story to tell.

Then you've got the people who are so ultraprimed to investigate everything as a gender or race issue in this country even when it doesn't apply at all is just so tiring. I can guarantee you Lamar didn't say what he did in an antigay way. It's yet again people being out of touch. Everything is about intent. Yet again if anyone had any neuronal plasticity of any kind and considered that maybe peoples Lamar age actually grew up saying stuff like that and it was NEVER meant in an actually antigay way, they'd understand that it's possible in a moment of anger he could've forgotten that now as an adult I shouldn't say that because the world is different when it comes to this topic. You heard it hear first Lamar will apologize and what he'll say is he never had any antigay intent (because he didn't) and that in his anger he used an old phrase that he usually doesn't and understands in retrospect that it could have offended a lot of people which is the last thing he wants.

Finally the media are a bunch of scumb bags and nonanonymous social media is one of the great plagues of society. These people are usually fucking stupid, purposefully provocative and antagonistic, and are always looking for a got you. Social media is a shitstorm of misinformation, agenda pushing, and a depression enforcer in children. It's rules are totally different than that of the real world and we'd really be better of without it.

But ultimately, Lamar didn't actually do anything wrong or have any antigay mal-intent. He'll have a press conference to apologize and appease the self righteous old people, ultra sjws (people who are just looking to cancel people without considering intent. And don't get me wrong this Lamar and the Kanye situation I find pretty different), and the media scum to give them another story to write.

This is a non-issue, but we live in a world where it is.
Tell that to Rachel Maedow


Staff Member
Why was Lamar connecting on the deep ball in his 2019 MVP season but not this year?

He really has regressed on these deep throws. I'll say generally he has improved on other types of throws though.
Hollywood was much better than Duvernay and DRob. Building chemistry on those routes is extremely important and you could see he when Bateman was running those routes, he was connecting. Although this goes on Lamar's shoulders, it's also on who is running those routes.


Ravens Ring of Honor
Pushing back and saying someone eats dicks are two totally different things. You can be a classy smartass without being a thug. But I guess you wouldn’t exactly know the difference, now would you
Nope. I think you should respond at the exact same playing field as the person doing the criticism. Does "classy" get you paid more money? What does it get you? A perception from total strangers that you're somehow "better than them"? The "classy" thing to do is not respond at all. And the "classy" thing to do is to not troll on social media.

Its honestly odd that we hold Lamar to a higher standard of "class" than literally any stranger on social media. Why is that? Because millionaires are supposed to be "classier"?

I don't know about you, but I see pro athletes on social media all the time. The absolute last word in the English language I'd ever use to describe them is "classy". What about them on the football field looks "classy" to you?


Staff Member
I'd say this is the most legitimate by a mile of the complaints of GRo. Across years, across centers, across weeks of the season this had been a recurring issue.

Also been an issue on his last 2 teams
you could say, GRo's offense needs specific pieces for it to work efficiently and I'm tired of giving him excuses. I'd let him finish out this season and then move on from him, no matter how far we go in the playoffs.


Staff Member
Can we also pay Sizzle a few million. Look I understand where you’re coming from but I felt the same way when Torrey would engage haters on Twitter, why validate them with a response? I still think Lamar is a class act that just got mad after a heated loss, but it was dumb


Ravens Ring of Honor
Nope. I think you should respond at the exact same playing field as the person doing the criticism. Does "classy" get you paid more money? What does it get you? A perception from total strangers that you're somehow "better than them"? The "classy" thing to do is not respond at all. And the "classy" thing to do is to not troll on social media.

Its honestly odd that we hold Lamar to a higher standard of "class" than literally any stranger on social media. Why is that? Because millionaires are supposed to be "classier"?

I don't know about you, but I see pro athletes on social media all the time. The absolute last word in the English language I'd ever use to describe them is "classy". What about them on the football field looks "classy" to you?

Yeah didn’t expect any different from you. In efforts to not waste any more time than necessary with you on the importance of not being a douchebag thug, I’ll refer you to my signature


Ravens Ring of Honor
I'm legitimately asking. To your eye do you think he's doing more side arm than in years past? This is something I feel like has been pretty consistent since 2019. But could definitely be wrong here.

His deep ball has definitely been off. But it wasn't off with Hollywood very much. It wasn't off with Bateman early in the year. It's been off with Duv (its literally never not been off with Duv) and it's been off with DRob. I think fundamentally DRob is still new and not fast enough. Lamar hasn't adjusted to that yet. Oh yeah same thing with Tylan. He overthrew Tylan when we needed it.

On another note though, DJax has had 2 bombs thrown his way one which was a huge gain last game and one vs the saints where the defender broke it up amazingly but the ball was on the money.

I think Lamar struggles to throw deep balls to guys without real deep speed. And Duv just fundamentally lacks any awareness or nuance on deep balls. The guy is just bad. This is at least my thought on things.
Yea it speaks volumes that D Jax comes in and immediately clicks. He has superior ball tracking skills. I just wished we put more effort in signing veterans


Ravens Ring of Honor
you could say, GRo's offense needs specific pieces for it to work efficiently and I'm tired of giving him excuses. I'd let him finish out this season and then move on from him, no matter how far we go in the playoffs.
Think its a double-edged sword. The argument against Roman's inability to utilize WRs better is a strong one at this point.

However, what evidence is there that the organization, from Ozzie to EDC to Harbaugh, value WRs? Ineffective or inefficient usage of WRs didn't begin when Roman was OC. It's a decades-old problem.


Ravens Ring of Honor
Yeah didn’t expect any different from you. In efforts to not waste any more time than necessary with you on the importance of not being a douchebag thug, I’ll refer you to my signature
O I think its plenty important to not be a douchebag thug. I think its just equally important for everybody, and not tiered based on income level or notoriety.

That's where we have dramatically different viewpoints of the world.


Hall of Famer
Can we also pay Sizzle a few million. Look I understand where you’re coming from but I felt the same way when Torrey would engage haters on Twitter, why validate them with a response? I still think Lamar is a class act that just got mad after a heated loss, but it was dumb
Never said he should do it. I also don't care about what athletes say for the most part and don't treat them as my role models. That said I wouldn't apologize if I did tweet it.
Me personally... I don't really buy the "they get paid millions to show restraint" thought process. Never made sense to me. Just because you're rich and famous doesn't mean you just have to absorb all the criticism that comes with it and not be allowed to speak back against it. They're rich and famous because people pay discretionary income to be entertained by them. Doesn't mean they get paid millions to be trolled by people and not be allowed to troll back.

Now, I personally wouldn't have responded to this particular tweet, because fans are mostly quacks on social media and aren't worth even one second of their time. But I do like when athletes push back on the media who write "reports" or opinions that don't make any sense and aren't true. That I will always support the athlete for calling out stupidity.
Mostly agree with this. They are only here for entertainment.
Pushing back and saying someone eats dicks are two totally different things. You can be a classy smartass without being a thug. But I guess you wouldn’t exactly know the difference, now would you
Lol... telling someone to eat a dick is now thug like behavior?

So what is the classification for calling someone's wife you don't know a [profanity deleted]? Stones and glass houses or something... eh idk


Ravens Ring of Honor
O I think its plenty important to not be a douchebag thug. I think its just equally important for everybody, and not tiered based on income level or notoriety.

That's where we have dramatically different viewpoints of the world.

Responding to a douche bag thug with more douche bag thuggery is not the ideal way to go. Be the better person and move on or you’re just giving the person entertainment


Ravens Ring of Honor
Never said he should do it. I also don't care about what athletes say for the most part and don't treat them as my role models. That said I wouldn't apologize if I did tweet it.

Mostly agree with this. They are only here for entertainment.

Lol... telling someone to eat a dick is now thug like behavior?

So what is the classification for calling someone's wife you don't know a [profanity deleted]? Stones and glass houses or something... eh idk
To the bottom part... the difference is when you're rich and famous, you're not allowed to be a thug. You can only be a thug if you're poor and useless.
Reality, of course, works nothing like that, but its whatever...


Ravens Ring of Honor
Never said he should do it. I also don't care about what athletes say for the most part and don't treat them as my role models. That said I wouldn't apologize if I did tweet it.

Mostly agree with this. They are only here for entertainment.

Lol... telling someone to eat a dick is now thug like behavior?

So what is the classification for calling someone's wife you don't know a [profanity deleted]? Stones and glass houses or something... eh idk

Hahaha I forgot all about calling that wife a bitch lmao….