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The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - Jags edition


Staff Member
Think its a double-edged sword. The argument against Roman's inability to utilize WRs better is a strong one at this point.

However, what evidence is there that the organization, from Ozzie to EDC to Harbaugh, value WRs? Ineffective or inefficient usage of WRs didn't begin when Roman was OC. It's a decades-old problem.
yes it is and I agree it has been going on for a while, but it hasn't been going on for decades with Lamar. Lamar has some serious talent and we are boxing him in with GRo. Have Lamar run more of a spread offense and I believe it will be more effective. Of course we will need the WR for this to happen. We already have one of them in Bateman and i believe Duvernay is a good #3.


Ravens Ring of Honor
Responding to a douche bag thug with more douche bag thuggery is not the ideal way to go. Be the better person and move on or you’re just giving the person entertainment
He gives them entertainment every week. And gets paid for it.
Like I said, I wouldn't have responded, but I get entertainment out of watching morons make a big deal about it when they do. It's like having an opinion but being deathly afraid of being challenged on it.


Ravens Ring of Honor
He gives them entertainment every week. And gets paid for it.
Like I said, I wouldn't have responded, but I get entertainment out of watching morons make a big deal about it when they do. It's like having an opinion but being deathly afraid of being challenged on it.

See my sig just to shut this utter waste of time argument down


Hall of Famer
Biscotti should use this opportunity to pull Lamar into his office and get him to sign the original deal
The guy with no agent who bet on himself isn't going to get pressured into signing a deal he doesn't like especially under these circumstances. That to me might seal his departure when the tags are up.
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Michael M.

Pro Bowler
Ok I'll pay more attention to the side arm.

Duv had the luxury of Bateman, DRob, and Amdrews. That group is not elite by NFL standards but people had to respect Bateman and Andrews. Belichick said their game plan was to give Andrews what hell get and stop Bateman altogether. With Bateman out, Andrews becomes receiver 1 and you're left with Duv and DRob trying to pick up the pieces. But both are WR3 types.
I still maintain not having a #1 on the roster has really cost them games. There are two costly philosophies the Raven's have clung to for years: 1. Just run the ball and find someone cheap in FA who can be an occasional deep threat WR and 2. When the game is on the line, the defense gives up waaaayyy too much yardage in the name of preventing the deep play.


Ravens Ring of Honor
yes it is and I agree it has been going on for a while, but it hasn't been going on for decades with Lamar. Lamar has some serious talent and we are boxing him in with GRo. Have Lamar run more of a spread offense and I believe it will be more effective. Of course we will need the WR for this to happen. We already have one of them in Bateman and i believe Duvernay is a good #3.
Right, but there's a pretty easy argument that Flacco needed better receivers than Lamar does to succeed. In fact we pretty much know that, because Lamar won an MVP without much at receiver.

My point is an emphasis on valuing the WR position higher is a cultural shift for the organization, not a "the OC doesn't like them so lets not do it" paradigm.

For me, I'm not convinced of three things:
1. If we add better receivers, that Roman will know how to utilize them effectively
2. If we add better receivers, Lamar is going to elevate them or not lock onto specific players for long stretches for "trust reasons"
3. That the FO is going to start valuing WRs in-line with how other high-end franchises value them, and make investments similar to what they do.

And I don't think solving any single one of those items will automatically make this offense a world-beater either. I think you probably need combinations of multiple or all of those things for it to work.

One thing I'm fairly confident in is that the time for the organization to invest in high-end, proven WRs (i.e. trading draft capital and allocating large amounts of cap $ to the position) is pretty much in the past. That window is closed in my opinion, and is super closed if Lamar is playing 1-2 seasons on the franchise tag. WR upgrades are coming 1000% from the draft for the for-seeable future in my eyes.


Ravens Ring of Honor
Pushing back and saying someone eats dicks are two totally different things. You can be a classy smartass without being a thug. But I guess you wouldn’t exactly know the difference, now would you




Ravens Ring of Honor
I preface this by saying I didn’t like Flacco at all. Thought he just mailed it in after his contract. With that out of the way, Lamar again proves he’s very soft. First, can’t get it done in the playoffs. Sick more often than other players. Then he goes off on a random fan. Did you ever see Flacco doing this shit? Lmaooo


Hall of Famer
RC >



Ravens Ring of Honor
Also it's just so funny to me how out of touch most people age about ~35 are. Older people who don't "get" technology and social media and who shared a different "youth" from today love to be the generic old person's stereotype of "back in my day we'd never have done something like that". Should Lamar have tweeted it, for his own lessening of a headache later, no. Did he do anything wrong? Of course not. He said something unkind to a troll behind his keyboard. Ultimately people will make such a big deal out of this he's going to be forced to have a press conference to apologize. Then immediately everyone will forget and not care because there will be a new story to tell.

Then you've got the people who are so ultraprimed to investigate everything as a gender or race issue in this country even when it doesn't apply at all is just so tiring. I can guarantee you Lamar didn't say what he did in an antigay way. It's yet again people being out of touch. Everything is about intent. Yet again if anyone had any neuronal plasticity of any kind and considered that maybe peoples Lamar age actually grew up saying stuff like that and it was NEVER meant in an actually antigay way, they'd understand that it's possible in a moment of anger he could've forgotten that now as an adult I shouldn't say that because the world is different when it comes to this topic. You heard it hear first Lamar will apologize and what he'll say is he never had any antigay intent (because he didn't) and that in his anger he used an old phrase that he usually doesn't and understands in retrospect that it could have offended a lot of people which is the last thing he wants.

Finally the media are a bunch of scumb bags and nonanonymous social media is one of the great plagues of society. These people are usually fucking stupid, purposefully provocative and antagonistic, and are always looking for a got you. Social media is a shitstorm of misinformation, agenda pushing, and a depression enforcer in children. It's rules are totally different than that of the real world and we'd really be better of without it.

But ultimately, Lamar didn't actually do anything wrong or have any antigay mal-intent. He'll have a press conference to apologize and appease the self righteous old people, ultra sjws (people who are just looking to cancel people without considering intent. And don't get me wrong this Lamar and the Kanye situation I find pretty different), and the media scum to give them another story to write.

This is a non-issue, but we live in a world where it is.
When it comes to older people not "getting it" it's cuz there was ramifications for it since you was saying it to somebodies face and not being an anonymous keyboard warrior. And you saying he didn't do nothing wrong?? Yeah he did. He didn't use no common sense.

Now we can get into whether this was "anti-gay". I agree with you. I don't think it was. It was a non common sense knee jerk reaction to something he shouldn't even have bothered with in the 1st place. Then was the poster even a man. Maybe the person was gender fluid non binary whatever. Last I knew gay men like dicks so I guess if it's seen as an insult then its is a weak argument imo when it's truth and I sure hope nothing comes of it. I mean if a man calls another man a bitch would that be an insult towards women? The whole thing is dumb and should just be put to bed.


Ravens Ring of Honor
I preface this by saying I didn’t like Flacco at all. Thought he just mailed it in after his contract. With that out of the way, Lamar again proves he’s very soft. First, can’t get it done in the playoffs. Sick more often than other players. Then he goes off on a random fan. Did you ever see Flacco doing this shit? Lmaooo
Well we never saw Flacco do literally anything that resembled giving a damn about anything. So no, never saw that.


Ravens Ring of Honor
When it comes to older people not "getting it" it's cuz there was ramifications for it since you was saying it to somebodies face and not being an anonymous keyboard warrior. And you saying he didn't do nothing wrong?? Yeah he did. He didn't use no common sense.

Now we can get into whether this was "anti-gay". I agree with you. I don't think it was. It was a non common sense knee jerk reaction to something he shouldn't even have bothered with in the 1st place. Then was the poster even a man. Maybe the person was gender fluid non binary whatever. Last I knew gay men like dicks so I guess if it's seen as an insult then its is a weak argument imo when it's truth and I sure hope nothing comes of it. I mean if a man calls another man a bitch would that be an insult towards women? The whole thing is dumb and should just be put to bed.
People that think its anti-gay WANT things to be anti-gay. Its a desire, not what it actually is.


Ravens Ring of Honor
I preface this by saying I didn’t like Flacco at all. Thought he just mailed it in after his contract. With that out of the way, Lamar again proves he’s very soft. First, can’t get it done in the playoffs. Sick more often than other players. Then he goes off on a random fan. Did you ever see Flacco doing this shit? Lmaooo

I never saw Flacco care about what was happening on the field like I saw Jackson.

You sound ridiculous.


Ravens Ring of Honor
Its a good discussion, and they're all right. Defense is not making critical stops when put in a position to do so. Lamar is not taking easy decisions and taking the yardage that's given to them, and the offense is void of playmakers outside.

It's all true.

He’s 100% spot on. That statistic about the 4th quarter defense in our losses are disgusting


Ravens Ring of Honor
Another thing is this is not a Lamar loss but a team loss. No time on the clock again!! Defense not holding a lead in the 4th again!! Receivers dropping passes left and right again!! Jeezus it's the whole body and it seems like everybody forgot that the Jags are an NFL team. Any given Sunday!!

It matters what kind of roll we on when we get closer to the playoffs. We're either running on all cylinders or at least 7 out of 8 or we're not. Bottomline is we can't take this loss like it's the end.

Militant X 1

Ravens Ring of Honor
This place becomes a cess pool in here every time we lose.
Well, what is that saying? I believe it's, "Winning covers everything but losing exposes it?" Unfortunately, coming in here after a loss flock members have a way of attacking one another because of differing views and opinions on what did or didn't happen in the game and what should be done to improve. We're all passionate fans of "our" Baltimore Ravens. So can everyone please say this with me:
