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The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - Jags edition


Hall of Famer
2019 pains me so much. Had so many good things going for us and really, all the pieces you might have needed until the lights shined bright. But then we went through the OL pains. We finally figured that out after a couple of years and we're back to the weapons being the issue. Not that the 2019 was chock full of game changers but everything worked so well together. We just can't get all of those types of pieces back together again due to (a) injuries and (b) poor personnel decisions.
Exactly. Nothing more to say here


Ravens Ring of Honor
Well, I mean, realistically, points will be at a premium. Maybe we surprise people and score a bunch, but like Denver has arguably the best defense in the entire league. They just can't do anything on offense.

So like we may score 17 and win. Wouldn't surprise me.
While I agree I think Denver is quitting, they just lost to god damn Darnold and allowed 23 points to an atrocious Panthers offense


Ravens Ring of Honor
If you’re gonna make comments like that, at the very least you’re a dumbass for not thinking about how you’ll be portrayed for the comments, even if it is wrong and unfair
I think those comments are better aimed at someone like Blount or Hopkins


Ravens Ring of Honor
I’m happy Lamar responded, Hensley was out of line. Not sure this does anything though, just keeps it alive for a bit longer


Hall of Famer
If you’re gonna make comments like that, at the very least you’re a dumbass for not thinking about how you’ll be portrayed for the comments, even if it is wrong and unfair
Or everyone else are dumb asses for taking this shit so serious and portraying him in a wrong and unfair way… yep thats exactly what it is


Hall of Famer
If you’re gonna make comments like that, at the very least you’re a dumbass for not thinking about how you’ll be portrayed for the comments, even if it is wrong and unfair
I'm confused. You make sarcastic posts on here all the time to get a rise out of certain people. I remember a couple just from yesterday's game thread. Now you want to act all holier-than-thou when Lamar claps back at someone?


Ravens Ring of Honor
I'm confused. You make sarcastic posts on here all the time to get a rise out of certain people. I remember a couple just from yesterday's game thread. Now you want to act all holier-than-thou when Lamar claps back at someone?

1) I’m not making millions of dollars or asking for 250-300 million

2) I’m very anonymous on this forum whereas Lamar is very out there considering he posted from his verified twitter

3) No one in the public even really pays attention or even knows about this site


Hall of Famer
I'm confused. You make sarcastic posts on here all the time to get a rise out of certain people. I remember a couple just from yesterday's game thread. Now you want to act all holier-than-thou when Lamar claps back at someone?
He doesnt like thuggish behavior


Ravens Ring of Honor
People complain way too much about made up scenarios. No, there isn't going to be some backlash of people thinking it's anti-gay. Hensley simply knows there's tons of sports fans that love to rant about how woke things are and they will get him trending if he triggers them. For every dumb comment on Twitter you get hundreds of people ranting about the so called drama.

And for people that think he'll get an official punishment please keep in mind that our own Desean Jackson quoted Hitler and agreed with him on Twitter. Guess what punishment he got? Not a damn thing. If you can publicly agree with Hitler then you can tell someone to go eat a dick.

Personally I just want Lamar to be more mature than this. Do something more constructive with that frustration than picking fights with random ass people on the internet. All he's done is given himself the public image of being a sore loser and tell every troll on Twitter that he's an easy mark.

Seriously, nothing good comes from feeding the trolls.


Hall of Famer
People complain way too much about made up scenarios. No, there isn't going to be some backlash of people thinking it's anti-gay. Hensley simply knows there's tons of sports fans that love to rant about how woke things are and they will get him trending. For every dumb comment on Twitter you get hundreds of people ranting about the so called drama.

And for people that think he'll get an official punishment please keep in mind that our own Desean Jackson quoted Hitler and agreed with him on Twitter. Guess what punishment he got? Not a damn thing. If you can publicly agree with Hitler then you can tell someone to go eat a dick.

Personally I just want Lamar to be more mature than this. Do something more constructive with that frustration than picking fights with random ass people on the internet. All he's done is given himself the public image of being a sore loser and tell every troll on Twitter that he's an easy mark.

Seriously, nothing good comes from feeding the trolls.
Everything you said was true. Its just wild that I had to read this post lol. What is going on?


Hall of Famer
1) I’m not making millions of dollars or asking for 250-300 million

2) I’m very anonymous on this forum whereas Lamar is very out there considering he posted from his verified twitter

3) No one in the public even really pays attention or even knows about this site
Who said he was asking for that much? You see, thats why lamar said what he said lmao.

So because he is verified on twitter and it is public, it gives people the right to make up assumptions, tag him in it for him to see….then expect him not to respond after you just made some shit up.. dam we want humans to be robots because theyre of higher status


Ravens Ring of Honor
Probably. I wonder if that will change once marcus and hamilton comes back. Put geno out there more often than chuck
Less for Geno, sure. Hamilton has been playing a lot of SCB while he's out there, so would mean less playing time for Geno and less playing time for Stephens/Pepe.

Some of its game plan specific, but Stephens played 80% of defensive snaps yesterday. That number drops significantly when Hamilton comes back.